Dragonlord is an upgrade that doesn't make any sense, though. The reason I say that is from reading through the quest lore and everything....I wouldn’t go that far; I’d much prefer a spider monkey to a dog, yet DL is an upgrade from frozen.Frozen being connected to Dragonlord is like needing to own a spider monkey before getting a dog.
Completely unrelated and a ridiculous thing to have to do.
Warden, Meteoric, and Frozen armors make sense as they build off of the original set which was owned by whichever Warden your class falls under.
The Dragonlord sets were created by Fingal who (I forget, but am pretty sure) was a Warden himself BUT they were not created FOR the Wardens. They were only "Crafted by the legendary hero Fingal for the purpose of fighting dragons".
That's just going off of the lore within the game. The two armours are not connected in any way within the lore of the world (unless Fingal really was a Warden, again I forget, but still).
Correct me if I'm wrong, though, as I may well be