by EmeraldThumbGaiboi
In Resurgence we base activity off of DL/EDL Attendance. The backbone of your Clan is the DL/EDL armour. Without the constant flow of drops for DL/EDL we wouldn’t be able to gear our new members.
Depending on your clans play style this view can vary. However as an endgame clan, you need EDL on all toons to even attempt Gelebron. This includes the EDL offhand skills. Thus this system was created by myself and another general in Resurgence.
Activity status:
To be considered “Active” or have an A next to your name on th DKP sheets you must have at minimum 70 DL/EDL attendances per month. We track the names on band. In this case, we only have 5 bosses that we actually take attendance for. Sreng, Troll, Flappy, Phantom, and Unox. These are the priority. If you have 70 Attends or more in a month, you are elegibile to use your DKP and bid on any tier of drops from EG bosses including godly/void.
For semi active individuals they have 30-69 Attends per month. These people are eligible to bid on anything up to the royal tier and shadow tier. However the higher tiers are reserved for active individuals only. This is represented with an S.I. next to their name.
For inactive people - this is anyone with below 30 Attends per month. They are ineligible to bid on anything at all. They need to work on their Attends and are represented with an I next to their name.
Attendance is reset every month. If you were active last month with 108 Attends (April) you are active for the next month (may). However if you were inactive for the month (April) with 23 Attends. You will be classified inactive the following month (May) until you bring your numbers up. So it is reset on a monthly bases. You previous months numbers represent the current months activity. You can go from active one month to inactive the following month by not keeping your numbers up.
We did this for a few reasons -
A) We have many longtime members who randomly pop on in and try to take advantage of the DKP system since they tend to have plenty of points. This just means that they cannot bid until they put a month of work into the clan again and get their status back to active.
B) it gives our new members a better chance of getting higher tier items since they are the ones putting the work in. You are rewarded for the amount of work you put in.
C) it keeps a constant flow of drops coming in. People shouldn’t be just logging in for EG to collect their DKP and logging out. This forces our clan members into actually putting effort in for the clan and not just themselves. If they are a selfish person, then they will still have to put the 70 attendance in per month to remain active and bid on that godly item they want when it drops.
Happy to share more if there are any other questions. I believe we have a fairly decent system in place to ensure we have dedicated members who want to see the clan succeed.
Arawn - General of Resurgence
Gaiboi - Full DG Druid level 221
Paphiopedilum - DL Lock Rogue level 190
Pleurothallis - Mage level 189
Masdevallia - Warrior level 189
Bulbophyllum - Rogue level 99