Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Griefing

I still don't get how its possible to grief in this game its not like you can attack other people. (Yes I am a newbie)
Pulling ghosts at necro is griefing.
Attacking frozen xtals on gele is griefing.
Anything that messes up or screws with the raid/boss with the intention of causing a wipe or more recourses consumption is considered griefing.

Re: Griefing

From what I’ve seen in the past, players who grief bosses using exploits can get banned (running through walls, etc).

If they’re doing standard griefing techniques (dragging adds, using longshot, stopping freeze), I don’t think there is a set punishment.
^ never seen someone get banned for using game mechanics to grief
I have.
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OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

Re: Griefing

I still don't get how its possible to grief in this game its not like you can attack other people. (Yes I am a newbie)
Pulling ghosts at necro is griefing.
Attacking frozen xtals on gele is griefing.
Anything that messes up or screws with the raid/boss with the intention of causing a wipe or more recourses consumption is considered griefing.
Also having an entire clan stand in necro healing aoe
Arawn- Invicta
SlyShadows - 220 Tank Warrior (Retired, Arawn)
Animosity - 217 Ranger (Retired, Arawn)
Noctum - 215 Fire Mage
Acrimony - 190 Lock Rogue

Proud Tank of Arawn

Re: Griefing

am i the only one here who likes that there is still some technical possibility of griefing :shock:
Although its a pain in the ass when another clan does it to you, and it really does piss you off, I like the larger interclan element that griefing creates, in that it provides another difficulty that doesn't just boil down to math like formulas and food meta. Game theory and other forms of working together on a multiclan server add an extra dimension and difficulty for players to overcome in both negotiating and working with the server as a whole and in crafting their clan to operate under these conditions.

In no way would I ever agree with anyone who does grief or would I ever defend the act itself, but the possibility that it could occur adds another element to the game for sure. Perhaps my stance is just because I play on a server where the clans don't grief and find other more healthy ways to compete.

#unpopularopinion #bobsucks
Feel free to pm me about anything or talk to me in game :D
Bob The God
This Bob guy is a guide? Legitimately?
Former EG try hard who’s now relaxing midgame on crom.
Fire Mages are where its at

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