by Kasha
I completely agree about having a choice. And its she by the way (that's hubby Jiriki, 119 ranger in the avatar with me.) Warriors can go full tank, full dps or hybrid. Rangers have a range of choices, as do rogues, heck druids can go fully support or keep a few points in damage and be able to solo, albeit slowly.
I have posted multiple times and agree with Papi that the orginal vision for mages was muddled at best and certainly not as a mainly support class. If you look at the spells mages had prior to update 3 really the only support spells we had were boost, well and cloak. Until massive amounts of heat damage melee armor were added with the summer event fire lure was mainly a mage serving spell, as was ice lure and the rest.
Suddenly update 3 comes along with predominately support spells and everyone wants to re-define mages BUT mages. Like earlier posters in this thread I have played mages for years, all the way back to the oldest MUD in existence (which is still up and running by Simutronics) and even paper D&D before that and NEVER have mages been locked into a sole support (and I know this is going to be controvertial but I'll say it anyway because its how I'm being made to feel...a slave class.) Now, if you read my posts you will see I advocate just as strongly for druids - actually casters in general as I have almost as much fun playing a druid as a mage.
When I feel like supporting my friends I druid and I really enjoy being needed and counted on to keep people alive and to keep the group from wiping on a tough boss or raid. Sometimes I want to nuke the crap out of something and lets face it...feel pride in getting the kill. Is that so wrong?
Kasha 222 Mage - Full EDL
Sylk 215 Rogue
Saffrron 220 Druid
Wasabii 191 Ranger
Paprikash 140 Warrior
DL Crown drop rate is a horrible joke STILL!