I can't believe why anybody in their right mind would want to make leveling harder.
Im not really advocating for xp penalty. We already had long discussions about this even before OTM put the idol timer. Just do a search and you'll see posts going back 2012.
The problem is with idols, death is trivial and no one takes it seriously. Character preservation is the crux of any good rpg/mmo game, and the fact that players would rather die than heal up indicates that idols breaks this aspect of the game.
If this was a racing game, its the same as players intentionally crashing their vehicles to get back in the race. Its wrong.
The difference to me is that Idols have been this way for a long time (functionally, not timer), and changing a certain aspect of the game that has been that way for 3 years seems to lack logic, especially as they hold such value. As it's a PLAT item, and not available in game for gold purchase, it's a privilege to have them. The game has changed significantly over the years though, as up until OW update, there was no need for plat, except pots at all, and in fact, most people did not use idols or pots. Definitely harder to play, and lots of running after death.
However, OTM has made the game significantly MORE dependent on plat items to have any success. I dare you or your clan to level any toon without plat from 1-190. I'll check back in a couple of months at best, as you will take forever to get gold to get lux items to speedily level. To then nerf an item (for reasons unknown), which is currently heavily used (and please don't say that's not the right way to play, EVERY way is the right way to play) is just handicapping the game. I haven't heard a cry that idols are too strong, i have heard a cry that pots are too weak (1000/1000, when people have 10k+ hp/ep).
So I may sympathize with your plight that it's just not right, neither is having to use 1000s of pots to level, buy 100s of sc/lixes to level, and spending real money to have any chance of even buying remotely good gear (if you start from scratch, there's no way to do much unless you have regen and lux gear). It should not be a requirement that the ONLY way to get any gear remotely end game is to be in a clan to kill a dragonlord boss to get items.
i'm pretty sure idols are/were the LEAST of the concerns players have had in this game, and there are many more features/bugs that people would have liked to see improved.