Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Witch Dead

Well if vr can counting and rewarding highest 10 players dps on the witch and rest get lixs gold or whatever will be good xd
Top 5% of players should get the highest rewards, the next 45% of players should get good rewards and the last 50% of players should get gold. Based off damage.
Gonna have to enable consumables or it's gonna come down to who happened to be lixed at the right time
Casters will have advantage too as they can wait for sigils to kick in and back to dps. As much as notice, elemental damage mainly magic works decent on it too.
level 225- warrior | TheQuantum
level 220- Mage | GodKaram
level 220- ranger | TheGraviton

Apex General

"knowledge is power"


Re: Witch Dead

Top 5% of players should get the highest rewards, the next 45% of players should get good rewards and the last 50% of players should get gold. Based off damage.
Gonna have to enable consumables or it's gonna come down to who happened to be lixed at the right time
Casters will have advantage too as they can wait for sigils to kick in and back to dps. As much as notice, elemental damage mainly magic works decent on it too.
How about tokens? X amount of dps on boss gains you x tokens/x tier tokens. X amount of these tokens can be traded for certain loot or items or a loot chest with random loot.
I don’t know how this would work for tanks/druids and other non dps classes, perhaps the amount of aggro you gain from doing certain skills could be in some way calculated.
Anyone can participate and gain these tokens, tokens should be tradeable and the more tokens the better the items are you can buy with them, this way all participants could profit.

I haven’t thought this through but I’m just putting it out there.
Herne - LazyDrunks

Ranger 222Mage 220
Rogue 222
Warrior 221
Warrior 207

Re: Witch Dead

By the time VR are back from the weekend will they even know where the drops are lol?
Yes. They can track them
They have been removed from the players that received them
YouTube: MrScar Celtic Heroes


Concordiia, Donn - 25th aug, 2015
Concruiit 25th april, 2017

Re: Witch Dead

People keep killing this boss in respawn, this is just proof that everyone has accepted the drop conditions that VR has put in this boss, and if they keep killing in these conditions, I don't think they will do anything to change and make this boss fairer for all. Drop going to a random server is not just fair less just going to 1 person just in the arena. if it's going to happen batle lock, put the lock on the boss, so we'll have batle lock and everyone will know who will take the lock and drop and you won't be helping for hours without earning anything just because you didn't have a lock on Boss until the end.
Darley/ DGMage / lvl228/ Server Lir


Darley Channel YouTube

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