Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Revival Chests

Make a decision lmao, "Put mounts back in chests!" "Get rid of Mount tokens" "Get rid of Fashion Tokens" "Give us fashion again!" You guys are a bunch of dramatic little girls.
Oi I find my self to be very attractive male, thank you very much...good day sir

Re: Revival Chests

Hey Muldar I dropped around 90 chests yesterday and I'm hoping I can retrieve them before they change this week. I hope you guys well return them to me as soon as possible
Submit an in game ticket and I will look into it tomorrow.

Re: Revival Chests

Hey guys what are revival chests? I'm still a novice and very new to this game. Thank you.
They were a chest that contained old items from previous events implemented with the cross platform update, they have since been removed based on player feedback until we review the topic further.
Ah thank you.
RogueR 190 +

Re: Revival Chests

The issue is not people wanting old fash and mounts.

The issue is that all the worlds had a drought of lix and other plat items because these new chests which only contain tokens are total crap and nobody wants to buy them.

The solution is simply stop with the token nonsense and go back to giving players actual items out of chests.
PM me and I will do my best to help you with whatever you need.

Re: Revival Chests

I say no. This has always been a be there or be square type game me personally i wear full red fg set and i been on android for 5 years.. I worked and sacrificed so much money gold time and much more for what little i have. Dont take that away please.. Dont allow these chest to ever come back. Yall are basically scamming us with false advertising yall say one thing then do the other. Just quit... Say something and mean it.

Re: Revival Chests

The issue is not people wanting old fash and mounts.

The issue is that all the worlds had a drought of lix and other plat items because these new chests which only contain tokens are total crap and nobody wants to buy them.

The solution is simply stop with the token nonsense and go back to giving players actual items out of chests.
+1 yeah i dont like token heros either but its too late to change back now.. Ohh wait yall love making changes i cant wait see whats next...being a collector is A DIEING BREED .

Re: Revival Chests

I say no. This has always been a be there or be square type game me personally i wear full red fg set and i been on android for 5 years.. I worked and sacrificed so much money gold time and much more for what little i have. Dont take that away please.. Dont allow these chest to ever come back. Yall are basically scamming us with false advertising yall say one thing then do the other. Just quit... Say something and mean it.
Android hasn't even been out for 5 years lol. May not seem like it but this is selfish talk pretty much, you're only thinking of yourself and how this impacts you. We are thinking of how this impacts the whole community and 95% of it is positive because people are buying chests which helps the economy, new players get a chance to experience the old fashion and get a limited amount of time to try and obtain it, Otm makes good money off of this, and 95% of the player base is happy. Just because a super small majority of the player base is upset by this doesn't mean the fun needs to be ruined for everyone else, whatever happened to majority rules?

These chests were the greatest thing since imo the dragonfire update. Never had this much excitement only to have it shot down by the same part of the player base I've never ever liked.
Zkills, Proud general of the beloved KodiakReavers of Belenus, the G.O.A.T clan

Professor/Detective Zkills, op mage of Epona, chieftain of KodiakReavers. Server banned for doing PvP in arena.

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Re: Revival Chests

I say no. This has always been a be there or be square type game me personally i wear full red fg set and i been on android for 5 years.. I worked and sacrificed so much money gold time and much more for what little i have. Dont take that away please.. Dont allow these chest to ever come back. Yall are basically scamming us with false advertising yall say one thing then do the other. Just quit... Say something and mean it.
Android hasn't even been out for 5 years lol. May not seem like it but this is selfish talk pretty much, you're only thinking of yourself and how this impacts you. We are thinking of how this impacts the whole community and 95% of it is positive because people are buying chests which helps the economy, new players get a chance to experience the old fashion and get a limited amount of time to try and obtain it, Otm makes good money off of this, and 95% of the player base is happy. Just because a super small majority of the player base is upset by this doesn't mean the fun needs to be ruined for everyone else, whatever happened to majority rules?

These chests were the greatest thing since imo the dragonfire update. Never had this much excitement only to have it shot down by the same part of the player base I've never ever liked.
That's your prerogative to genuinely not like someone that you've never met because of a difference of opinion. I think you can dislike someone's opinion and still like the person. Not every player gets what they want in this game. And sometimes it's very frustrating.

OTM should have just went ahead and released the chests that are coming in a couple of weeks. Or, since they released the revival chests, should have just released them on the new server. Orrrrr they should have given a weeks heads up about thr revival chests and only run them for 48 hours and then switched them out for the upcoming chests.

If a company is going to make a claim of permanent limited time, stick with it. But I don't think it was right to put them out and have players buy plat with thr expectation that they would be there still to buy. The key here is communication which OTM didn't do well in this case. For what it's worth, I liked the chests as there is still some hunter, Lanrik, and frost guard I'd like to get. Android was new when these came out originally. But I don't like it when a company makes a claim and doesn't stick with it more than I like the ability to grab some rare fashion.
Zyz 220 Druid
Noah Fences 220 Rogue

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