+1 make offhand worth farming.. adding poison resist on mage offhand doesnt help in anyway add 350 direct dmg to fs on mob tht resist 90% of it doesn't help in any way..... the problem here is offhand isn't that big of an upgrade over edl... Now To cover their flawed system otm buffed boss.. bravo otmI think it was perfectly fine that two power house servers with large numbers could down it. It’s unfair to the rest of the servers though that it was buffed just because y’all didn’t expect it downed so quickly. If the idea was to make the offhands tier 8 required to kill, there should have been skills cast by the boss that would absolutely require 2-3 of each type of offhand to conquer it, similar to divine weapons on ghosts back in the day being key to Necro, but manageable by 30 people with upgraded offhands. As it stands now, it doesn’t seem like the offhands make that huge of a difference and it’s purely a numbers game.Coming into a 16-page thread in the morning! Wooo!
I don't think the intentions of the team is purely to add numbers to the raid. We probably don't want players completing the new content within the first month of the update. Muldar has given a great outline of the strategy/thought behind defeating the boss.
You're right, I have zero ideas the amount of frustration as I'm still nowhere close to the required level for this content. That being said, the amount of feedback given on the topic cannot be ignored. While some concerns regarding numbers have already been shared, the change might need some time to monitor before we can push harder for a nerf. The feedback here is amazing and will continue to discuss changes with the team.
Re: Bloodthorn Raid Reset Changes
#161zkiiii lvl 220 mage
desi ranger, lvl193 ranger
member of PEGASUS, LUGH
server EPONA
zkiii lvl145 mage
member of EVIL CLOWNS
desi ranger, lvl193 ranger
member of PEGASUS, LUGH
server EPONA
zkiii lvl145 mage
member of EVIL CLOWNS