Dont mistake me as an OTM fangirl, but I’m prettty sure the “move on from other bosses” bit wasn’t supposed to be an overnight thing. It seems like the overall plan is to have a transition period. That said, I completely agree that having buffed BT the way they have makes it less likely.Hows making a new raid that requires 40+ toons with t8 offhand to kill it going to make clans move on from old raids as hrung, mord and necro?There are no plans for further changes to the Bloodthorn raid.Serious question if epona and arawn both kill it will you continue to buff it until we just give up and nerf it after the 8 weeks needed for a offhand which only gives resist really?
The encounter has been designed for 40 players each with tier 8 offhands. However, from launch we knew there would be a possibility of higher population servers downing Bloodthorn.
We still believe Bloodthorn is still killable (regardless of offhands) with Arawn and Eponas numbers. There are no plans for changes due to this. (We are more impressed by this fact).
The root adds however were designed as a variable threat, and one that should act as a detriment to your raid the longer you continue to leave it up.
Offtanking is a valid strategy, but resetting a mob to reduce the mobs stacking aura was never an intended feature of the raid.
The feedback provided in this thread and the feedback we receive as players progress through Corrupted Gardens will be reviewed by our Design Team.
I will discuss the player population (raid size) feedback further with the team.
BT gear is generally a huge improvement in stats for most classes, thanks to OTM taking beta feedback into account. But if it’s easier for me to keep killing prot and gele for gear that is still very nice, then that’s what will happen.