Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Lets talk about the Dino raid

Id guess the raid is designed to be killed within the 20min rage timer when players are geard with the drops that comes with dino.
To make orbs smaller would be a great idea and possibly make it drop 4 drops and chance to drop a scroll for upgrades. This way VR will reach the intended gold sink much faster and players will be happier.

I remember our first gelebron kill. It raged at half health, we stil managed to get it down.. it took prolly about 1-1.5h, I think we were about 40ish players..
Fastforward til today and we kill him without rage with 20ish players.
Now whats different here is that you actually have to focus on the raid 99% of the time and alot of movement is involved, that is what makes it harder compared to just having to focus on the raid once in a while..

This is not the kind of boss that is meant to be killed afk with your phone in your pocket at work..
There are many unexplored strategies yet.

It gets very frustrating to have 20 players send multiple reports about same player griefing, just to see him do it over and over again, same player harrassing our members and grief every raid he can.. ruining the fun for 30-40 players.

+1 to make him drop 4+ drops
+1 to make the orbs smaller
+1 to minimize risks of griefing somehow
YouTube: MrScar Celtic Heroes


Concordiia, Donn - 25th aug, 2015
Concruiit 25th april, 2017

Re: Lets talk about the Dino raid

The difficulty of this raid (after so many fixes) for 3 drops is a bit pathetic, it’s a much harder boss mechanic wise and requires full attention, one slip up can cost players the entire raid whether you’re at 80% hp or 1%. Should be 4 or 5 drops atleast, I think not having a mighty tier but only having 3 drops isn’t a good trade, especially considering some of them are long overdue upgrades of old raids. The difficulty will gradually decrease as it has done for every raid boss up till now, just has taken a long while to even get more servers to get their first kills to be disappointed by less drops than every other raid

+1 to more drops
Dynamit1 - 215 Druid
Dynasaur - 205 Mage
Dynamit3 - 223 Rogue
Dynamit4 - 220 Warrior
Dynamit5 - 217 Ranger

Re: Lets talk about the Dino raid

Id guess the raid is designed to be killed within the 20min rage timer when players are geard with the drops that comes with dino.
To make orbs smaller would be a great idea and possibly make it drop 4 drops and chance to drop a scroll for upgrades. This way VR will reach the intended gold sink much faster and players will be happier.

I remember our first gelebron kill. It raged at half health, we stil managed to get it down.. it took prolly about 1-1.5h, I think we were about 40ish players..
Fastforward til today and we kill him without rage with 20ish players.
Now whats different here is that you actually have to focus on the raid 99% of the time and alot of movement is involved, that is what makes it harder compared to just having to focus on the raid once in a while..

This is not the kind of boss that is meant to be killed afk with your phone in your pocket at work..
There are many unexplored strategies yet.

It gets very frustrating to have 20 players send multiple reports about same player griefing, just to see him do it over and over again, same player harrassing our members and grief every raid he can.. ruining the fun for 30-40 players.

+1 to make him drop 4+ drops
+1 to make the orbs smaller
+1 to minimize risks of griefing somehow
+1 and i would like them to increase cap to atleast 35 how do they expect us to turn away people who want to participate and thats usually the number an average clan should be able to bring and maybe it will allow more diversity for strategies since there is no intended way of killing it if there was vr would just tell us players unfamiliar with mmo raids made that assumption all on their own.


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