I played hockey for 7-8 years (assistant captain by the time I quit) which is as competitive as sports can get lol. I love some good old competition, but what is found in Celtic Heroes is something completely different. When competition starts to affect people mentally, which is most certain has done in this game, then it’s a clear indication that maybe it’s time to stop before things get worse.Reason why dom clans last so long is because of how easily convinced people are that dominance/competition is the only way. Even then though clans on a dominant server tend to not last that long. Think about all of the servers that have gone through power changes, and in some cases multiple times. Morrigan, Mabon, Lugh, Sulis, Nuada, Rhiannon, Taranis, and others I possibly have missed... and then think about all of the servers that has had a change in competition which includes almost every other server not mentioned. Lastly, think about all of the players that have been lost/quit because of their clans falling apart. There’s nothing positive that comes from dominance and more people quit under dominance then under a free server.
It’d honestly be great to implement free server rules into a dominant server, but people are so brainwashed/convinced as I said that dominance is the best thing ever when really it just causes more people to quit at a faster rate and literally effects people mentally. People get so emotional especially when it comes to competition, and some people literally go crazy over dkp/attendance and get addicted over it. I was the same way on belenus, got addicted over dkp/attendance and I was sometimes toxic towards the competing clan (both of which were no where near as bad as some others).. eventually I had enough and moved to Epona where I realized what dominance really does and I’ve been a lot better ever since.
Some people like to play sports and compete in competitions and then some like to sit somewhere and read a book.
You're the book reader, I get it. Doesn't mean everyone likes to read books.
That sounds like a personal problem. If you (not you but anyone) can't control their temper that's something they need to work on. Celtic Heroes isn't some magical alien artifact from SG-1 Stargate that suddenly makes you a toxic person.
I would bet the toxic people are just as stable as they would be in real life. Due to their anonymous benefits for being online, their unfiltered personality comes out. Additionally the internet is a hiding spot for a lot of weird people.
Toxic people are everywhere. No where you go there's toxic individuals. People in sports can get angry and toxic too. Ones who don't just have good sportsmanship.
Sure, stressful situations do not help but stress is everywhere in life. Avoiding it will drastically limit your options in life.