I am am the 'somebody else'. Here is my proposal:
http://www.onethumbmobile.com/celticher ... =6&t=14425
My summarization would be as follows.
1- clan banks: until they are fixed there is a structural motivator to violate policy. Changing policy creates a non-beneficial, exploitable loophole. I beleive this makes clan banks a project priority, since it is directly connected to the priority related to scam prevention. This is on OTM and I feel they need to fix it.
2- Character borrowing: without recoding some way to regulate this, it also creates an exploitable loophole. Therefore, in current policy any such borrowing would always be at the players risk. It is important to note that the current precedent is that this risk extends to all the accounts and toons associated with the activity. In other words, if five people participated in such borrowing all 5-6 accounts would be at risk, including accounts that were not shared in any way. It might even extend to the case of multiple accounts registered to any of the players involved, since the punitive action is directed at a player and not a toon. I am not saying anything about the rightness or wrongness of any of that here, and it is the current precedent. It would be possible to create policy where toons instead of players are punished, locking skills and in game abilities, fines, etc.
When I say loopholes, I mean areas that open up ways for third party trading, scamming etc. to occur, even if that is not what is happening in specific instances. The rental car analogy is again a good one. We dont own our toons or anything about them in any way. They are more or less rented, and not even really that. More or less you are paying/ agreeing to conditions (if you are paying at all) for the rights to drive and improve a toon that belongs to OTM in a world that belongs to OTM. If you rent a car and someone else drives it, that is all at the renters risk. Without recoding such that multiple users can be registered to a single account, as you would with a second driver on a rental car, this is the condition.
If they wanted to, OTM could create an game object, maybe a plat item, that registered the event of a second player using an account for a limited period of time, making it transparent and subject to policy. It still puts the account at risk if something goes wrong, but by purchasing and implementing this device, both players have agreed to that risk, and OTM has a way of seeing and regulating it. Though I think this would be cool, I do not think it is likely. It also sets up an entirely different dynamic open to abuse since people would try to set up and profit from rent-tank accounts and such.
That said, there is nothing that OTM, or Hertz, can actually do to prevent a second driver. If nothing goes wrong, then it is more or less invisible. If anything goes wrong that requires an investigation, different story. Some people play these games as much for the social drama as anything else. Personally, I would plan on something going wrong and act accordingly, even if it were an inconvenience to me and my clan.