yes it lasts for ten seconds -.-
and warriors CANNOT use every stat
focus and dex are pretty much useless for us
maybe some people think dex a bit useful but i had a hundred or so awhile ago when i was like lvl 65 and rebirthed with no points in dex and noticed no difference in how often my attacks were hitting
and as far as my knowledge goes...there is NOT FOCUS PLATEAU
I wouldnt expect a lvl 65 to know anything about a focus plateau, which you have just proven. Your max points at that lvl is 325. If you were to dump all those points into any stat, at or around 300 each point does not have the same increase as those below 300. Test it, then come back and let us know your the rest of us have done. CORRECTION... lvl 89, I did not see your SIG.
Agreed. There is a plateau for every stat that seems to happen somewhere around 300 points. At that point, the incremental gain of putting points into that stat decreases dramatically. Testing this out in beta, our druids found that a full focus build at level 192, with the best gear available (godly rings, full dragonlord armor, two nat touch bracelets...) our top heals were a little above 2100 (I think).
When a few points of focus seem so matter so little at high levels, why not put some into another stat? The problem for casters is that putting points into another stat does not increase any skills. Al melee classes have skills that depend on other stats so they can still have great skill hits while spreading out their points. Caster skills are limited to one stat.
This does not get rid of the focus plateau, but I think that the focus plateau would be less noticible if casters were forced to invest in other stats to improve skills, like melee classes do.