I could careless about how the graphics are gonna look (no doubt they will be better), what I want to know is, what are the gameplay updates going to consist of?:
- Can we finally travel through an open passage that is obviously open, but for some reason the game believes there is a giant boulder in the way??
New classes?!
Are Rangers finally going to be able to stop attacking when I am trying to run?
Can I finally go from attacking mob straight to casting a buff or heal without my toon having to glitch up and do nothing for about 15 seconds???
Anyway, the point that I want to make here is that, I really hope that they are able to fix those listed bugs and more with the new engine. It is rather annoying when I go straight from attacking or casting dmg skill then I want to heal or sharpen weapon the group, then 30 seconds later my heal finally kicks in....oops too late, my group mate died because my Ranger was too busy throwing in some random attacks before the heal, and oh by the way, those random attacks don't actually ever register against the mob!.
I know that when I click off the auto ahead of time before I try to move or cast a buff skill, that for the most part the major headache of these bugs can be avoided, but that is so unnecessary
Anyway, enough about how Rangers get royally screwed in the backdoor, I'm sure other classes have their niche too...but seriously, how awesome would it be to add at least 2 more classes?!
I'm thinking Necromancer and Bard. Necro could have abilities to summon dead, (not dead group mates, but "dead" zombies to help in battle), and maybe some dark magic dmg casts. The Bard would be almost pure buff class, with abilities to play tunes that buff the party in numerous ways and able to have pets that help out in fighting.
So, it is things like those that I talked about above that I would hope to see from the new engine and brains at OTM