*you'reTaC* terms and conditions... The o is in ToS which is terms of service, so your wrong you chicken obssessed fiend.

*you'reTaC* terms and conditions... The o is in ToS which is terms of service, so your wrong you chicken obssessed fiend.
._.TaC* terms and conditions... The o is in ToS which is terms of service, so your wrong you chicken obssessed fiend.ToC* ._.Technically, as you said, root scrolling a boss is not against the TaC, because it may be considered helping, depending on how you see it.
Although, resetting is against the TaC as it falls under disrupting player-sponsored events, (i also think there is a specific rule outlawing resetting after lock.)
Thank you for your response, i was just hoping otm would show their response on this topic.Technically, as you said, root scrolling a boss is not against the TaC, because it may be considered helping, depending on how you see it.
Although, resetting is against the TaC as it falls under disrupting player-sponsored events, (i also think there is a specific rule outlawing resetting after lock.)
no it is not. it is part of competition which is otm's goal for open world bosses. there is no rule against griefing bosses in any way
So now pir is responsible for the downfall of herne's economy? If u knew about the glitch then why didn't you tell otm instead of just sitting there and letting people do it? Also u say that everyone in newbirth knew about it and had to give 10% of the plat to pir? Not even half of the people in the clan knew about it. And they did not have to give 10% up. Stop making false accusations about others and their clans. And lastly, those noobs u talk about being ksed are the noobs in your clan.Yes lets ask me.
On the plat glitch: it is no secret i tried it after you told me about it pirahna. And you know that my offers didnt ever show up and it was not worth the time for Mickey Mouse plat. As we had spoke about it tried to find ways to make offers show. I believe u had the same issue.
How ever i have purchased lots of plat in my celtic heroes career and have had multiple characters above 190 before u informed me how to plat glitch. How ever u are sitting at lvl 197 and have never bought plat, let alone old enough to touch a credit apple. Lets be serious here about who the real abuser is. Not to mention the whole newbirthdefect clan whom you also taught how to plat glitch and charged them 10% plat for every plat they glitched.
Just another 30 or so people who never bought plat, are not old enough to even touch a credit apple, but some how are All high levels with more lux and items then i can even think about buying. And yet you are going to try and claim im some a user.
If anything you single handedly destroyed our worlds economy by every tom **** and Harry selling chests at rediculous prices and now everyone noob out there has everything that the oldest and more experienced legit players cant afford.
And you being the one who follows around noobs ksing their elixers, you and your clan of wonderful people who are so much better then the rest of us "sloths" grief and reset bosses just cause you can have the nerve to come whine publicly like someone stole ur lunch money.
Dont act like ur innocent. All you have done here is shown everyone your wound. We know it hurts your attempt now and you can expect it to be x10 from the start next time. Better get everyone and their wives to use those shared accounts so you can kill it next time. But I'll bet that doesnt happen does it
Technically, as you said, root scrolling a boss is not against the TaC, because it may be considered helping, depending on how you see it.
Although, resetting is against the TaC as it falls under disrupting player-sponsored events, (i also think there is a specific rule outlawing resetting after lock.)
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