Celtic Heroes

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Re: " rare shamman drops "

Just for everyone to know, I found a 100% skimmer from annex anxander's website. Wont give details but it exists,
There are 100% staffs only obtained by the competition, and 100% staffs gotten from chests
Yeah i realized that the shaman staff does not actually drop from my shaman. My bad.
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Re: " rare shamman drops "

Just for everyone to know, I found a 100% skimmer from annex anxander's website. Wont give details but it exists,
My clannie has one, 100% speed 50% camo skimmer, white one too.
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Re: " rare shamman drops "

I dont understand why people are complaining about these shamans. In past events, we've had tons of similiar mobs which had the same terrible drop rate as it does now and no one complained then...
Previous events have had semi-common mobs that could be easily one-shotted by most decent players, but this event has longer spawn times, fewer spawn points, and higher health mobs that actually take time to kill. All in all, semi-common lvl 10 mobs > semi-rare 30, 80, 130, and 180 mobs
Stop! Stop! Stop! You're going to take someone's eye out! Besides, you're saying it wrong. It's LeviOsa, not LevioSA.

Re: " rare shamman drops "

[quote="Swan"][quote="yakat"]Pretty sure it drops up to 100%[/quote]
If you're looking at the Shaman's Phoenix Glider (100% speed 50% camo 50 rejuv), that can only be obtained by winning the current competition. So they shouldn't drop from the shamans walking around.
[quote="Community"]The special Shaman's Phoenix Gliders are so rare and powerful there will only be 3 of these available - and only via this competition![/quote][/quote]

Not the only way, the admin mentions they are as good as the best one in game atm, not that it will be its own item. P.S couldn't figure out your quote.

Earned from a chest, not mine.
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Re: " rare shamman drops "

Pretty sure it drops up to 100%
If you're looking at the Shaman's Phoenix Glider (100% speed 50% camo 50 rejuv), that can only be obtained by winning the current competition. So they shouldn't drop from the shamans walking around.
The special Shaman's Phoenix Gliders are so rare and powerful there will only be 3 of these available - and only via this competition!
Not the only way, the admin mentions they are as good as the best one in game atm, not that it will be its own item. P.S couldn't figure out your quote.

Earned from a chest, not mine.
Lol figures a lvl 80 got it

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