You all are thinking about this waaaaaaay too hard lmao. Math... economies.... like what? Lol. The whole point is to make things easier for everyone
Think about it from the view point of a casual player that is trying to reach endgame for the first time... leveling in this game is waaaaaay too slow and costs a fortune. “Keeping the same xp regardless the amount of group members would be a ridiculous amount of xp”, who cares about ridiculous amounts of exp? It’s not even a ridiculous amount... 221 levels is a toooon of levels and it takes hours upon hours upon hours to get there, it needs to be easier. OTM tried fixing it with an exp curve but it honestly didn’t make a noticeable difference.
As for abusing it... who cares? You’re simply leveling toons the way they’re supposed to be leveled. You might be referring to leveling super low lvl toons on high lvl mobs with a high lvl alt, but that’s an easy fix.
To put it in casual terms, "Just do it".
As of now, levels take a certain amount of plat items to complete (xp, hastes, etc) which cost a certain amount of gold (since most dont buy plat and get the plat items through in game gold). If you remove the exp needed you remove the number of items needed to achieve those levels which create two problems. 1. you undermine all of the work that people have put into the game to that point which would no doubt piss off most of the player base and 2. it would cause the amount of gold everyone has to increase drastically, which would cause gold to lose its purchasing power and create skyrocketed inflation.
Yes with a casual gamer mindset, this might not sound like a huge deal, however when you break it all down and analyze it, this would in time destroy the game. If you want to ignore all of the above think of it like this. VR doesn't work for free. If you take away their only source of income then they cant retain their staff and keep the game running. Talent and servers cost money. Otm brought about bounties and crits as a way to appease the consumer and take a part of the burden but all in all the dependency for plat is still there and always will be because OTM and now VR have a dependency on plat purchases for their livelihood. This suggestion is equivalent to your boss cutting your salary in half because the company wants to save money and then expecting you to sign off on it. Even with all of that in mind, this still isnt a pay to play game, you can go from lvl1 to 220 without buying any plat or even a single plat item. it is by now means a good option but it is there.
To sum this all up, from what i understand you want the levels to just be given to you, this just doesn't work. Nothing in this world comes for free, someone always pays wither in money, time, etc, and you will lose any and all satisfaction from having achieved the grind on top of it. I do think that there needs to be a lot more reward for all the work and effort not just endless hours of camping, but thats another topic all together. I dont wanna sound harsh, but if you (anyone who wants this implemented) cant handle the grind then maybe this isnt the game for ya.
Finally sorry to all for the long posts lmao