by RoyalSeraphim
Honestly guys, it is far too overpowered but think about it, if it is stronger than Aggragoth, level up! Another tactic would be to change your strategy. In Taranis, there is a clan that is on top, can't even kill Aggragoth though, not trying to degrade them. But the point is, coordinate with other clans, become allies! The fastest time in Taranis of killing Aggragoth was 40minutes. 40 Minutes is the time we took to take down Aggragoth with two of the strongest clans in Taranis, i am sure those people on top of the list concerning Clan power, activity, abundancy should be at most powerful enough to kill the skeleton king. In Taranis, not to boast, but one of the clans that kills Aggragoth along with us, solo's skeleton king. We just have a good strategy enough to kill Aggragoth and such as this boss, more efficiently. I also see in the Online Rankings that other worlds have people even over Level 150! Better yet, multiple people over 150 in one single world! It should be a sign that this boss should be fairly easy to kill! Also concerning RaptureEve as i have seen posts saying that this skeleton boss is over powered, you SHOULD be able to kill this Samhain event boss very easy! Your clan is number three for feat sakes! Not to degrade my own clan and especially my own world, but you don't even see a Taranis clan in sight of the most powerful clans located in online rankings until the second or third page! We already killed two of those bosses. We are starting to farm Aggragoth drops, helping each other.
I am not releasing any strategies of killing Aggragoth fast or some stuff like that, you just have to find out, level a character to 60 and watch us kill Aggragoth.
Have faith, i know any clans at the top can do it, an so can other lower level clans! Just need faith and a good strategy.
Regards, RoyalSeraphim of Taranis
RoyalSeraphim, Druid of Taranis