I literally just read through this entire thread and I will make my post based on some of the things I've read.
The Op has an amazing idea and its probably one of the few ideas on target lock i agree with because it caters to both sides.
If OTM makes certain bosses, like falgren, accessible by certain level players, that will ruin the game.
Also, making it so only low levels can kill falgren will reverse the economy.
This isnt fair to higher level players because it is us higher level players that pay your paychecks and allow you guys to stay in business. That just like a worker telling their boss what they arent going to do.
My next point is about getting rid of higher level players. Come again. Some people paid 1000s of dollars on this game. If you refund plat, what are they really going to buy if lixirs arent sold? 3 billion idols? I think not. Not to mention im sure this is something players could sue for, as a viable case is now made and the only way to to correct it is to refund the money, which OTM won't do because they will go bankrupt. If not, apple and OTM will have their hands full and im sure word will spread, gaining public media attention (gaming reviews and forums) because gamers like to bash devs that treats gamers wrong.
Interesting post Pretty_Entity.
Some may be saying restrict Falgren and other monsters to particular levels but not everyone and certainly not the OP (or me). My point was change the system on how to progress in some way. No solution will be perfect but the current system is definitely not.
You also seem to be saying high levels pay the bills. If that is so the game is in trouble. New players, well newish ones should be paying the bills. For a young game an expanding player base is essential. And I suspect you are wrong or only partially correct. Who needs the most money to buy Tabs, Discs or Rems etc? Players with no Alts that's who.
You must realise I wasn't serious about high levels being dropped.
It was a thought experiment to point out the lack of deep development of in game quests etc as you move up the level tree. And to show the problem all MMOs face as they mature, more and more high level characters that demand development resources thus causing other parts of the game to be neglected. Neglect of general game assets or increasing things to do for all levels or whatever.
An old MMO will just naturally accrue things to do at all levels if they add a small amount each update cycle.
As a young MMO and because of the narrow funding model (free with in game plat) AND the obvious small initial player numbers to support the game, OTM has fallen into the trap of constantly upping the level cap to keep players and funding. Sure they add content but as mentioned its spread out over more and more levels.
An MMOs main job is to SLOW players progression down not enable it to speed up. They CAN do both at once eg long quests and exp pots but the slowing needs to be the focus. Their second main job is to maintain the illusion of fairly fast player progression.
What is the solution to a top heavy player base? How would I know? If I did in would be a game consultant raking in the big bucks and living large.
I suspect the best to expect is that some tinkering with rules will satisfy lower levels and eventually a little more content will be spread out across the levels. And I don't mean quest empty areas with only new mobs to kill for grinding. The base design of a game, its skeleton if you will, is determined pretty early on. To change it later is almost impossible without a huge player base to support the development economically.
OTMs desogn decisions, perhaps forced on them by the app store platform, have made their coding bed and we players will have to just lie uneasy on it. Dreaming of having enough things to do.
Oh and I'm not making a moral judgement bout high levels. It's natural that they want content too and to level up and to camp lower bosses. They have Alts to build (tho they will have nothing new to do) etc etc it's the game design and content level that is forcing them to do the same few actions over and over and over and over and over and over and over.......
Finally this is my favourite game so I really want it to succeed !!
Landoril 221 Ranger
Denoril 170 Rogue
Hateril. Hat holder
Pageril...well you get the idea
Epona (The little server that could)