by benbrook
It's doubtful that all encounters or any are exactly the same. It's a new engine and they had to model how everything worked previously into the new engine. Without knowing how every encounter worked in fine detail, there's never going to be a way to know how things were affected. However, if there are multiple interactions and each one was minorily changed, the cumulative effect would cause a change in the encounter that is entirely noticeable.
For example if targeting has changed even slightly and it has, then any missed targeting will cause a missed opportunity. Add that up over a 20 min battle and you will see a completely different encounter. I notice it solo fighting mobs. Run out of energy and attempt to cast and u lose target. If you don't notice and re target immediately you can miss a follow up skill. For a toon on the edge of energy needs this can cause serious effects.
So there may not be more hit points on bosses, but the cumulative effect of glitches is causing a reduction in damage per sec of the team, increasing encounter time.
The idol nerf can have a serious effect on boss encounters for low armor clannies. Instant death means lower overall group dps, slower encounter, etc etc.
It's an issue any game will go through if you make 10000 changes simultaneously. It's impossible to know end effect of those changes. And in this case it's affecting certain clans and certain encounters
Roguish Warrior, or Warrish Rogue
Rogue 194, Warrior 176, Druid 112, Ranger 111, Mage 100, Bank 71