I said that Beltane will be a real short event and ppl are annoyed because time might not be enough to collect the new boss drops."Summer hasn't started for me yet"Ummm summer is almost over. And next event is scheduled for October so ppl are not begging for premature release. Ppl are getting annoyed because this event will last 4-6 weeks when it was supposed to last 12-14 weeks. And with bosses spawn rates not many ppl will get the drops they wanted.
I hate it how people beg OTM for premature release dates and then blame them when it isn't n schedule, DONT pressure them into releasing a premature time that they might not be able to uphold jeez..
stop using that bs excuse and realise there is more countries and seasons around the world than just your own, and stop complaining about everything if it's really that bad find a new game... Who cares if the games seasons aren't perfectly aligned with YOUR real life seasons will that effect you so bad?
I was not complaining and Btw if I am going to find another game or not is none of your concern.