Killsteal *facepalm* you totally missed the whole point.
I want the game to be balanced so that new up and coming players have fun as well. If we get no new players the game dies. And if new players can't complete their dl because high clans on their 180 alts are locking sreng then they will see no point in playing. This post has nothing to do with "Ava stopping other players from getting stuff". You haven't even reached end game and obviously don't know the pains of trying to get dl in a low level or no clan. One of my friends before the patch struggled to get full dl. He didn't even get full till he was 220. Getting full dl shouldn't be easy but it also shouldn't be impossible or take forever. I'm happy to see OTM making changes and working towards a fix. The game is not all about end game in order for it to survive it needs new players.
Re: Problem with sreng
#31MortalCreed 225 Rogue
EMT 136+ Druid
Zapto 215+ Mage
Noob of Avalon:D
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EMT 136+ Druid
Zapto 215+ Mage
Noob of Avalon:D
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