Alright Muldar I'll give fishing a try and then I'll give my completed feedback of it,.
In the mean time I'm gonna pray it's not a useless thing for endgame players
I got no issue with fishing not helping high levels specifically providing it has a proper purpose. One of my biggest gripes about ch is the huge variety in items however most of them have the same purpose and that's just to sell them. You could've saved yourself so much time by having the sell to shop drops just as money bags etc. But I digress.
I know what im hoping for and it's that fish are consumables each with semi decent effects such as 500 Hp/energy or some stat buffs with rare fishes giving multiple increases however I also know I'm being hopeful as otm still gotta sell their lixes and resto's somehow. I'd be disappointed if they restrict you to fishing only a few times per day like bounties but sadly i can see it happening and I'd also not like it if it's just a trade your fish for rewards like the bounty board. That wouldn't seem so imaginative.
But I'm hopeful and look forward to otm surprising me :p