Been playing WoW for 12 years (only 16 years old, dad got me into playing it when i was young... good memories ._.) and the only thing that bothered me about this post was this one portion... From my eyes I don't really think that Blizzard is as money hungry as Ch is in terms of using money to get somewhere in the game. (not trying to bash but its just from my own view point) Sure you could argue that it's your choice on how to use your own money and that you have the choice on whether or not you want to spend it on ch. You could also argue that you could just play the game without spending money and just farm a lot of gold to get lix's BUT in order to actually get the lix's someone has to spend the money right? Lix's (such as heroics) don't just spawn out of no where. So in a sense there is some sort of p2w in this game right, but to a certain extent (I don't know if my logic makes sense? correct me if I'm wrong.... I do realize you can argue that you could just grind levels without lix's......)Look at all the MMOs out there with an undeniably large player base. World of Warcraft. There are probably hundreds of thousands of people playing this game, and guess what. It's subscription based. Blizzard is money hungry and theres no doubt that WoW is a good game but so is Celtic Heroes. Only difference is that YOU HAVE A CHOICE to invest money. That's what matters. If this game wasn't free from the start, i wouldn't have started playing it all those years back. I wouldn't be typing this right now. I've shared a lot of my life playing this game (i'm only 17 years old) and i still don't understand how people manage to find ways to complain. It's as if every game always has a reckoning force against it. The players are never satisfied. It's pretty sad honestly.
Back to the WoW thing... The reason why I say blizzard isn't as money hungry is because you only have to pay $15 a month to play a game where you don't need any sort of real money to get somewhere...... meanwhile ch you have to spend a lot more money ._. .....
Anyways I agree with what most of the things you said..... This is just my personal view... Feel free to criticize on my view...
I appreciate for what OTM has done over the past 5 years (A lot of happy memories came from this game) that I've been playing, but I also can't fully support with what they have done these past 5 years either.+1 to the op. The negative-positive feedback ratio is ridiculous.... Cant we appreciate OTMs work for a minute? And if can't find anything to appreciate, you probably should stop playing. It really doesn't sound like you're having fun here.