Oh shoot, I read Lir but didn't compute andorid server.That's a difference between iOS and Android. Android still rakes in tons of newbs climbing the ranks. On Donn, Falg is camped almost constantly by a clan or two and Drags are sold for 15k-30k each, huge sums of gold for the players who need those drops.Still? Pretty much anyone that plays now a days can solo falg. What's the point of hoarding drags.Hahaha I used to be in Epona and everyone just sold anything to anyone and everyone was happy. What a shock I got when I switched to Lir where everyone hides drags in their clan banks
I'm for cross-server, cross-platform AH trading. iOS would rake in the gold bc of the years of accumulated useless stuff they have that Android has never even seen and would become immediate status symbols. But that's just my guess.
OTM, if you want to test run the system, why not make a cross-server/platform AH fash only? That way, the only thing that may take a hit is people's pocketbooks. Or not. See what happens.
As for the second part that would crash IOS economy and devastate the servers. There have been so many pots on this thread as to why that is a bad idea.