Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Bloodthorn and Gardens in General


I posted in the 16+ page as well, so I don't know what you're talking about. We aren't ignoring the feedback. We read the other threads as well.
Saw that late although a bit of a shame it took 16 pages.

All I can say is your a real piece of work. Otm is doing a fine job. This update is well done and will be improved upon. Give them some slack.
No they arent doing a fine job lol. Theres aspects for OTM that are done great such as the art team and support team IMO doing excellenet job. I think that design team (albeit stepping up a bit) and QA team arent doing their job well enough. Im a costumer, I played for over 6 years, I bought plat, I invest my time every day to play. I have every right to complain and point out where OTM is not doing their job properly IMO.

Its ur opinion that they're doing it fine, not mine. Dont force it on me then insult me with "All I can say is your a real piece of work". Im a dps warrior whos been begging for years for proper dps gear, not armour stat or less dmg on my offhand (when we finally have one). I come from one of the smallest server in the game, we suffered from new engine (made so many players quit we didnt kill necro for 2 years after being 5th clan to kill him), we suffered from gele (requiring 35+ when we couldnt gather that many), and when its again the same thing or even twice as bad I'll complain so we wont have to enjoy the content a year later. U are in arawn, in resurgence, u get to enjoy that content. People like u just piss me off, zero empathy to those who dont have the luxury of 60+ toons in one clan, and when another clan kills then urs has to be salty.

Ffs people, this update was delayed by roughly 6 MONTHS, it'll be at least 8 WEEKS before we get full t8 offhands for everyone, it'll be a few more months before they nerf him to be compatiable to smaller servers. Its just a freaking mobile game, how much can u stretch updates for? Games nowadays update weekly and here we are saying "thank you" for waiting years for an update only to wait another year to enjoy it.

OTM has a lot of great aspects they excel at, but they fail at executing updates every time. Aggy took hours to kill, hrung was untankable, necro was unkillable, prot is still a pain in the ass and not class balanced, gele was unkillable, this is unkillable for 30-40 players. And they dont fail cus they rushed it, they fail even tho it takes them years. Its because of stupid comments like those coming from people in clans that can actually bring 60+ toons and just demolish a raid that ruin the game for everyone else.

Do u enjoy the buffs Emerald or do u just want Resurgence be the only clan to kill it? As we saw the face of ur clan already.
#NerfMages #AvoidBalance #WhyPlayARogue #MeatShieldOnly #HealingSlavesOnly

OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

Re: Bloodthorn and Gardens in General

It really goes without saying in the OP that this is my opinion. I know a lot of folks here don't agree with it, some do, both are fine with me.

Supplying OTM with good and bad feedback helps them grow, and that's why I even go through the trouble to make these posts. If there's something I don't like I let them know about it. If there's something I enjoy I let them know about it. Any and all feedback is helpful.

I enjoy the update, the extra challenge is fine but I don't like the need for 40+ toons as of now.
The update has been out for 2 weeks. BT will get taken down many times between now and August. Farming for 8 weeks isn't a big deal considering some of us have been playing 5+ years. At least we have something to do other than camping, I'm thankful for that.

That's my opinion, if you don't agree then give some reasons why so that OTM knows. It's all feedback.

@Bob, if you want to block me just do it.
Would you kindly?


Re: Bloodthorn and Gardens in General

I enjoy the update, the extra challenge is fine but I don't like the need for 40+ toons as of now.
Farming for eight weeks isn’t a big deal.
I think everyone complaining the last few days is trying to tell this. We dont mind having to farm a bit for something thats needed for a new raid. It’s the fact that we need 40+ people with said farmed item. Getting 40+ toons online at the same time is already a challenge. It also baffles me that OTM is oke with making such raid after Gele that obviously favours the dominant/bigger clans. Not everyone playing this game is going to enjoy this new content, which is in my opinion a shame. This isn’t going to change the game, because old bosses will still be farmed, making the differences between big and smaller clans on a server even greater. I think once a clan starts killing BT on a server with competition, that server is doomed to die. Whoever kills first will rule the server until said clan dies out of boredom again.
Perkamentus, lv 230 Full Doch Gul Ice Mage
Avanor, lv 220 Rogue
Silvos, lv 191 Ranger

Retired Chieftain now Clansman of Pegasus, Lugh.

Re: Bloodthorn and Gardens in General

Saw that late although a bit of a shame it took 16 pages.

All I can say is your a real piece of work. Otm is doing a fine job. This update is well done and will be improved upon. Give them some slack.
No they arent doing a fine job lol. Theres aspects for OTM that are done great such as the art team and support team IMO doing excellenet job. I think that design team (albeit stepping up a bit) and QA team arent doing their job well enough. Im a costumer, I played for over 6 years, I bought plat, I invest my time every day to play. I have every right to complain and point out where OTM is not doing their job properly IMO.

Its ur opinion that they're doing it fine, not mine. Dont force it on me then insult me with "All I can say is your a real piece of work". Im a dps warrior whos been begging for years for proper dps gear, not armour stat or less dmg on my offhand (when we finally have one). I come from one of the smallest server in the game, we suffered from new engine (made so many players quit we didnt kill necro for 2 years after being 5th clan to kill him), we suffered from gele (requiring 35+ when we couldnt gather that many), and when its again the same thing or even twice as bad I'll complain so we wont have to enjoy the content a year later. U are in arawn, in resurgence, u get to enjoy that content. People like u just piss me off, zero empathy to those who dont have the luxury of 60+ toons in one clan, and when another clan kills then urs has to be salty.

Ffs people, this update was delayed by roughly 6 MONTHS, it'll be at least 8 WEEKS before we get full t8 offhands for everyone, it'll be a few more months before they nerf him to be compatiable to smaller servers. Its just a freaking mobile game, how much can u stretch updates for? Games nowadays update weekly and here we are saying "thank you" for waiting years for an update only to wait another year to enjoy it.

OTM has a lot of great aspects they excel at, but they fail at executing updates every time. Aggy took hours to kill, hrung was untankable, necro was unkillable, prot is still a pain in the ass and not class balanced, gele was unkillable, this is unkillable for 30-40 players. And they dont fail cus they rushed it, they fail even tho it takes them years. Its because of stupid comments like those coming from people in clans that can actually bring 60+ toons and just demolish a raid that ruin the game for everyone else.

Do u enjoy the buffs Emerald or do u just want Resurgence be the only clan to kill it? As we saw the face of ur clan already.
Hey Criminal,
Apologies, it took me so long to respond to that thread. I live and work in Bangkok. Depending on where you are in the EU or NA, I'm 7-15 hours ahead your time. The thread started after I had left the office. The vast majority of that thread occurred while I was sleeping. Thank you for the comments about the art and support teams.

I don't think anyone's opinion or feedback is bad. Good or negative, it all helps us grow and learn. I thought there were some great points in the thread that dealing with servers sizes and the design of the boss. Additionally, the idea behind clan competition in conjunction with the raid size. There is a lot of feedback to sort through and none of it bad. Of course, we don't want the boss to beat within the first week from anyone, but there are some ways we can explore to address these concerns. One suggestion would be to add a mechanic that scales or depletes so over time all players can participate.

We'll continue montoring the progress and looking at options.

Re: Bloodthorn and Gardens in General

But questions are not answered most times..

And the logic behind the boss design is not explained.
We were communicated 3 bosses of different lvls. Why change it?

Why faction bosses have to be linked to edl?

Why no classless gear (rings ammy offhands mainhands( at lux shop?

Why do you want servers to be completely dominated by 1 clan?

Why faction gear so expensive and again class restricted and non tradeable?

There are ok things about the gardens but by linking it to edl you restrict it to only the dominant clan.
Their toons will upgrade weps by 8 lvls while rest clans dont even have a inferior lux 210 to buy.

Stop listening only to the 1%.

Re: Bloodthorn and Gardens in General

And in a normal server

-Dominant clan will be at Gardens and will upgrade offhands for 1-2 months.

-Then they will leave Gardens and test their new skills/divine damage on the same old bosses ..

Whats the point of Gardens?
Was it not supposed to provide new bosses so much better that dominant clans wont bother for mord hrung etc?

But the above shows that if anything the competition on every server will disappear.

Only solution would be to offer something for non edl toons or remove the link between edl oh and faction bosses.

Re: Bloodthorn and Gardens in General

Saw that late although a bit of a shame it took 16 pages.

All I can say is your a real piece of work. Otm is doing a fine job. This update is well done and will be improved upon. Give them some slack.
No they arent doing a fine job lol. Theres aspects for OTM that are done great such as the art team and support team IMO doing excellenet job. I think that design team (albeit stepping up a bit) and QA team arent doing their job well enough. Im a costumer, I played for over 6 years, I bought plat, I invest my time every day to play. I have every right to complain and point out where OTM is not doing their job properly IMO.

Its ur opinion that they're doing it fine, not mine. Dont force it on me then insult me with "All I can say is your a real piece of work". Im a dps warrior whos been begging for years for proper dps gear, not armour stat or less dmg on my offhand (when we finally have one). I come from one of the smallest server in the game, we suffered from new engine (made so many players quit we didnt kill necro for 2 years after being 5th clan to kill him), we suffered from gele (requiring 35+ when we couldnt gather that many), and when its again the same thing or even twice as bad I'll complain so we wont have to enjoy the content a year later. U are in arawn, in resurgence, u get to enjoy that content. People like u just piss me off, zero empathy to those who dont have the luxury of 60+ toons in one clan, and when another clan kills then urs has to be salty.

Ffs people, this update was delayed by roughly 6 MONTHS, it'll be at least 8 WEEKS before we get full t8 offhands for everyone, it'll be a few more months before they nerf him to be compatiable to smaller servers. Its just a freaking mobile game, how much can u stretch updates for? Games nowadays update weekly and here we are saying "thank you" for waiting years for an update only to wait another year to enjoy it.

OTM has a lot of great aspects they excel at, but they fail at executing updates every time. Aggy took hours to kill, hrung was untankable, necro was unkillable, prot is still a pain in the ass and not class balanced, gele was unkillable, this is unkillable for 30-40 players. And they dont fail cus they rushed it, they fail even tho it takes them years. Its because of stupid comments like those coming from people in clans that can actually bring 60+ toons and just demolish a raid that ruin the game for everyone else.

Do u enjoy the buffs Emerald or do u just want Resurgence be the only clan to kill it? As we saw the face of ur clan already.
If arawn enjoy the updated BT then they can keep the challenge while OTM can nerf it for regular servers

Re: Bloodthorn and Gardens in General


All I can say is your a real piece of work. Otm is doing a fine job. This update is well done and will be improved upon. Give them some slack.
No they arent doing a fine job lol. Theres aspects for OTM that are done great such as the art team and support team IMO doing excellenet job. I think that design team (albeit stepping up a bit) and QA team arent doing their job well enough. Im a costumer, I played for over 6 years, I bought plat, I invest my time every day to play. I have every right to complain and point out where OTM is not doing their job properly IMO.

Its ur opinion that they're doing it fine, not mine. Dont force it on me then insult me with "All I can say is your a real piece of work". Im a dps warrior whos been begging for years for proper dps gear, not armour stat or less dmg on my offhand (when we finally have one). I come from one of the smallest server in the game, we suffered from new engine (made so many players quit we didnt kill necro for 2 years after being 5th clan to kill him), we suffered from gele (requiring 35+ when we couldnt gather that many), and when its again the same thing or even twice as bad I'll complain so we wont have to enjoy the content a year later. U are in arawn, in resurgence, u get to enjoy that content. People like u just piss me off, zero empathy to those who dont have the luxury of 60+ toons in one clan, and when another clan kills then urs has to be salty.

Ffs people, this update was delayed by roughly 6 MONTHS, it'll be at least 8 WEEKS before we get full t8 offhands for everyone, it'll be a few more months before they nerf him to be compatiable to smaller servers. Its just a freaking mobile game, how much can u stretch updates for? Games nowadays update weekly and here we are saying "thank you" for waiting years for an update only to wait another year to enjoy it.

OTM has a lot of great aspects they excel at, but they fail at executing updates every time. Aggy took hours to kill, hrung was untankable, necro was unkillable, prot is still a pain in the ass and not class balanced, gele was unkillable, this is unkillable for 30-40 players. And they dont fail cus they rushed it, they fail even tho it takes them years. Its because of stupid comments like those coming from people in clans that can actually bring 60+ toons and just demolish a raid that ruin the game for everyone else.

Do u enjoy the buffs Emerald or do u just want Resurgence be the only clan to kill it? As we saw the face of ur clan already.
If arawn enjoy the updated BT then they can keep the challenge while OTM can nerf it for regular servers
My point is that emerald is in favor of the buffs because Res can bring 65 while us smaller servers cant.
#NerfMages #AvoidBalance #WhyPlayARogue #MeatShieldOnly #HealingSlavesOnly

OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

Re: Bloodthorn and Gardens in General

I enjoy the update, the extra challenge is fine but I don't like the need for 40+ toons as of now.
Farming for eight weeks isn’t a big deal.
I think everyone complaining the last few days is trying to tell this. We dont mind having to farm a bit for something thats needed for a new raid. It’s the fact that we need 40+ people with said farmed item. Getting 40+ toons online at the same time is already a challenge. It also baffles me that OTM is oke with making such raid after Gele that obviously favours the dominant/bigger clans. Not everyone playing this game is going to enjoy this new content, which is in my opinion a shame. This isn’t going to change the game, because old bosses will still be farmed, making the differences between big and smaller clans on a server even greater. I think once a clan starts killing BT on a server with competition, that server is doomed to die. Whoever kills first will rule the server until said clan dies out of boredom again.
Why does it have to be a clan kill? Cooperation? Lugh has the players to take down bt, too bad every attempt of coöperation instantly gets shot down :)

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