Relentless also has lots of multiloggers. Out of 50 toons on average 25-28 are single logging.Also pointing out a chunk of our raids are done by multi loggers. Multi logging for BT is absolutely brutal. Death after death.. idol spamming, restore spamming, running, idol spamming... LAGGGGGGG.. crazy raid imo. Not even slightly enjoyable.
+1 for root spawns changing from 3:30 to 5 mins.
Is Danu following the guide word per word?
I saw a heat set in one of those pics, if that’s an indication on how your servers’ DPS are geared then it could explain your troubles. Take a look at the class guides posted by Toothpick and Ventius for that. Encourage single loggers to hotswap. Also, it should have been easier now that people are getting their T8 offhands, they really help, especially for the main tank where you will end up needing three to four druids.
Make sure you put your single loggers on vines and level228+ ranger for the south and southwest vines, Allyknife hit the nail on the head perfectly in a previous post.