I think we can all agree that the average lifespan for a boss is at maximum 4 years, with average interest spanning 1-2 years, with a steady drop off after the first year.
With this in mind, on average we get a new boss every 2-4 years, often times creating 2 years of minimal activity due to the game becoming just repeated grinding for drops that are too rare to incentivize logging in or leveling for.
I believe these are indisputable characteristics, but if I overstepped, please correct me.
More facts related just to BT, it takes at minimum 40 people to kill (think on gwyd our lowest was 43 with a lot of multiloggers), but usually it takes 50+ to kill on most servers, with a fair amount still struggling to kill within 48 hours, with some of the even strongest servers only killing once a week.
One more concept is related to clan activity and membership make up. Clans from my expierence have anywhere between 30-80 mains, with a lot of clans focusing on needing multiloggers to take down bosses. Most clans appear to consist of at least 50 active toons.
In my opinion, boss loot table design should be done in a way to fit all of these widely accepted gameplay attributes. From this outlook, the boss would need to drop enough items to create scarcity to encourage competition and peak interest, in an attempt to lengthen how long a boss remains interesting before it starts to become repetitive, while at the same time not being too rare as to make the reward be not worth seeking anymore.
From this enough drops need to drop within 2 years to gear 80 people. This takes into account that new players are likely to join the clan over those 2 years, and some drops may end up going to players who may take a step back after a while. In my opinion, 80 is a more conservative estimate, and considering servers like arawn, rosmerta, and epona, a higher number like 100 may be better due to the high player turnover and player quantity that exists on these and other servers.
Let’s assume a range of 1-2 kills a week as average. This turns to 52-104 kills a year for the range, and given a 2 year lifespan for interest for a boss, 104-208 as the total range of kills before a boss begins to fade away.
This means players should be able to acquire more than enough loot within those 104-208 kills to be satisfied with the boss before the new content rolls in. This includes taking into account that not every drop will be exactly the right drop distribution for how many players make up that given class and more specified role that the drop is meant for, ie dps war and tank BT helms.
If I were to go back to my original suggest drop rates of :
1/4 chance royal
1/10 imperial
1/25 godly
It seems fair to understand that not ever player will have a godly helm, but that every active player should be able to get the bare minimum upgrade associated with the boss assuming average server concentration at the EG level. Thus I will mainly focus on the royal helm.
At 1/4 chance, in 104-208 kills that equates to 26-52 royal helms.
The imperial helms would average out to 10-20, and godly at 4-8 helms.
This equates to a grand total of 40-80 helms, which fits the average range for how many clan members generally constitute a clan in a 2 year period.
While the initial chances I provided the other day seem a bit high, in light of these numbers they are much less so, and rather provide a more fair looking system that helps to reduce the camp repeat drag of the game. Mordy, necro, and hrung gear is old school. Mordy helms are 5 years old... 5 years ago I was riding the school bus to high school every day
things change...
Whether or not you think the BT helms are fair for competition reasons, or whether or not you think OTM got precious boss drop rates right, BT is a chance to set new standards for reasonable drop rates that make the game enjoyable. The way I see it, we shouldn’t need to kill the boss for 5 years to adequately gear our players with the most basic of the gear for that boss. Rather we should be able to get the gear so we can use it for other bosses and aspects of the game.
Bossing is how we earn and acquire new gear... it isn’t the only part of the game... or rather it doesn’t have to be. If we limit the game to just bossing and push for harder drop rates... then we have no right to complain about camping or a poor PvP system, as that is the system we pushed for.
Anyways... that’s my perspective on this
Feel free to pm me about anything or talk to me in game
Bob The God
This Bob guy is a guide? Legitimately?
Former EG try hard who’s now relaxing midgame on crom.
Fire Mages are where its at