THANK YOU! You need to write a guide, as you are good with talking @ Grade 1 level even with a PhD
Mariner91, are you running out of mobs in the zone across the bridge from the camp?
Yup! Well, running out of mobs I Can kill. which so far is up to and including L35***, L37**, and L39*. At L30, I had some problems with the L35*** swordsman (the one for the woodsman quest), but once I got to L31, I can do him and rest.
Have you tried the level 30-33 mobs on the camp side of the river? I can't remember the direction, but the mobs are outrunners, vanguards, etc. They should be pretty easy kills and decent xp even for level 31.
Maybe they changed it, but the problem is that about half the mobs are much higher or in too tight a group that it's impossible to take them one on one. The stretch is quite short too until I hit the L50+ ribbonswords.
Clear out one zone while waiting for respawns in the other. If running between zones takes too long, eat a deathcap and respawn at the leystone to cut your running time in half.
LOL Thanks for the tip! I did not know I could eat those deathcaps! I only pick the fettlecap ones for the quest.
As for drops, different merchants give different prices. I can't remember which one gives the best for connacht weapon drops. The only things worth saving, unless you are stockpiling junk like I do in anticipation of crafting in a future update, are the following:
- various types of ingots from the smelter (a rare mob that you probably won't see until lower shalemont)
- some of the better defector weapons can be sold to other players if you like merching
- stones of cerridwen (there are three types, you need one of each to get the warding passive evasion skill, extras can be sold to other players)
- once you get to the mages, you'll start collecting dilute energy potions. No reason not to use these as you get them
- drops for the shalemont quest line: darrion's letter, gannon's letter, jailer keys, luther's head
- if you are grinding through the area where the infantry spawn, keep re-doing the timber quest. It's repeatable and good xp at your level
THANK YOU! I'll keep this in mind. Also, good to know merchants may have diff prices! I usually go sell in the Castle for the free trip even encumbered but I'll see about testing prices this weekend, esp the Cannoch specific ones. Maybe the marchant at the camp will give better prices, since she only opens up to me after I do some of the quests against Cannochs.