And ? You mentioned you read my posts and I clearly always want the game difficulty raised , does that mean that's what my whole clan wants ? You are generalizing without real information . Like said blame me , don't blame my clan , our clan is diverse we have members that want different things there is no consensus among us as far as game difficulty . We had 8 members in beta at start , unfortunately a few were not able to complete beta , of those in beta , 1/2 advocated the way I do for more difficulty so really it was 3 of us in beta that like the higher difficulty level . 3/40 isn't quite 5% but it's damn close .
Keeping the fact straigth , because of the large majority of forum users ( active And lurkers) have not access to beta forums I just used the number of beta being on public knowledge is 8. Because a large majority of beta have ask to be fair Im just Quoting the information avalaible the is not especulation but numbers.
As community we May or may not belive you thats a personal choice , and some players will blame your clan by proxy .
The large number of post of ideas of suggestion of this changes are largely taking from ideas of the high standars and level of game 3 of your clan ( general information avalaible here on forums)
I have nothing against you or your clan just as lurker for months pointing out some facts.