Can someone give me a rundown on what loot council is?
I'm assuming its leaders voting for who gets what item. For this you would need leaders who would be saints with no affiliation with people in clan, seems impossible to avoid bias.
Clans already have so much trouble doing DL/EDL armour/wep voting because there's always that one person shouting bias and giving a hard time to leaders.
Of coarse this is all assumption. I really do hope this isn't the case.
Yes that's how a loot council is. On Fingal, we have two clans that have worked together on edl, mord, hrung, necro, and proteus for over a year now (well except for proteus which is a much newer kill). There is a shared bank for all these drops. The drop distribution is decided by myself and Tevin (the clan chief of the allied clan). All drops are screen shotted to the group app chat and the players request the drops they'd like that have dropped. If only one player requests a drop, it is given over. If more than one player requests a drop, then Tevin and I discuss whom would best make use of the drop. We take into consideration overall contribution at bosses, time in length of game, activity level, how many drops they already have vs the other players requesting the same drop. This is a system that has worked great for us. Occasionally a player will get upset because they feel more entitled to receive a drop over another player. But this is the system a majority of the players that raid on Fingal have endorsed and supported. We started with rolls and it ended up with very upset players more times than not.