10/10. Spoken like a true business man!If, and I mean if (no offense serious), the uniqueness is crappy, making it a permanent small-time affair (only 1m downloads in my store for god knows how long lol?), I'm sure you can do away with the uniqueness and fight to do better than others in common areas.
How about you guys start wearing skirts to work? You can definitely present yourselves in a unique way to your clients. No? Because you'll think that's crap!
You might as well quit now cause nothing will change. OaC dominates the MMORPG portion of the App Store and Runescape is coming to Mobile... you really think CH can compete with 2 big time MMORPGs if they go down the same route as them which they arnt even familiar with? CH is doing fine and there is no MMORPG out there that is similar to CH... which is most likely why CH has been around since 2011...
Go play OaC if you want instances or dungeons cause u arnt gettin any of that here