Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Why aren't people using the forums anymore?

There is a way to offer suggestions and criticism without being rude or insulting. But negative feedback is looked at just as seriously as positive feedback. The most helpful criticism is the type that also offers solutions. However, people that complain just to complain are not helping. That’s my opinion but I’ll probably have my post locked even though this isn’t breaking any rules.
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Re: Why aren't people using the forums anymore?

What I see is there’s feedback in a positive tone and in a negative tone

The higher ups shall we call them only seem to listen to the positive ones and anyone who speaks negatively whilst having good points is just branded as toxic or being unnecessary. Which isn’t going to sort things out

If you don’t believe me, look at all of criminals good points that get picked at. Then look at the comments above me

U know I’ll probably get a comment deletion for this but it’s just my opinion which breaks no rules

Third party apps are going to kick the forums down. Once most of us leave it will just be the staff the mods, the guides and either new players or the few pro-mod/VR players
This proves a good point, Aileron who contributed heaps to the game he made so many valid points and had his bad tone, he expressed his statements in a toxic style because responses he was getting versus his statements were close to zero, and few years later look at the problems we're facing and he complained about those years ago.

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Re: Why aren't people using the forums anymore?

At the end of the day, I don't care how "dead" the forums are; as long as there's still a semi-official person providing insight into the game, I'll keep up with it. The community aspect is just a bonus to me.

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Re: Why aren't people using the forums anymore?

The forums are dead. Whether ur a loyal customer, a vanguard of the forums to defend VR and mods for everything, a mod, a guide, a VR member, one who uses forums occasionally and wonders where everyone is.... I’ll spell it clearly for everyone. Forums are dead.

Why is everyone too shy to say that? A board warning? A ban? Thread locked or deleted? None of that should worry u if the forums are already dead.
If you have to constantly tell people something that is supposed to be a fact, that kinda makes it more of an opinion. I just pulled up the forums after about 7 hours since last clearing the Unread topics, and there was a good 25+ replies/new threads. I know that's not indicative of the forums as a whole, and it also isn't that way every day, but still...they aren't dead, just at a slow point. Once the Unity beta starts on Monday, I'm sure there will be more activity now that there would be new content to discuss.

Mods wanted to clear the forums from toxicity and negativity, good job. They did it. No one is left to even discuss anything. Yes, I’ll say it openly even if it means im banned. A large reason the forums are dead are mods. Although an even bigger issue is lack of communication between players and VR (which is also partly due mods).

We want to discuss more freely, and we want more communication with VR. If u ask me whats better, dead forums with 0 negativity or lively forums with a certain amount of negativity, I’ll choose the latter anyday.
There can be lively forums with 0 negativity. The problem is that the negative people are usually the loudest ones...and therefore if the negative people get removed from the equation, then everything gets quieter. I'm more of the other opinion that negativity and wrong information only serves to make everything worse. I would rather see 20 posts a day with civil discussion about what could improve the game, than 100+ new threads and posts daily with people ranting about everything wrong with the game. If you equate negativity and toxicity with good discussion, then it's definitely not the mods who are the problem.

Nice to see that you are finally appreciating the mods for doing their job though ;)

Forums can be the backbone of a game... shame we chose to remove it from this game. And no, I dont have much criticism to VR (other than lack of more frequent communication), but I am (or was) a dedicated forums user. Theres no reason to now, cus theres nothing to comment on, nothing to discuss, nothing to talk about. Boring.
Only some people have "removed the forums from the game". It's all a matter of personal opinion...just because you don't think the forums are useful, doesn't mean they aren't. Forums are useful for many things as well...not just for game feedback.

From what I've seen, you are really the only one to constantly be pushing the entire "forums are dead" idea. If that's the case, why stick around? Go hang out on the third party groups that are so much better than the official forums, and have so much better discussions.
Thats a bit ironic. While u will say Im the only one pushing "the forums are dead", ur the one to comment everywhere with a shield over VR and mods, literally everywhere. But that is irrelevant to me because I dont direct my comments to u, I direct them to VR.

From what Ive seen, u completely ignored the part of "lack of communication with VR is the bigger problem of forums", which I stated clearly to be the main issue, and not solely mods. When ppl here have their tongues stuck u know where, only to receive their guide or mods ranks, it tells a lot on the way forums are currently.

Im as blunt as I can be, and I'll be as cold about it as I can be. If ur a mod or a forum member and currently u disagree with my belief on the forums' situation, honestly? I dont really care. Im a forum member, u are forum members, whether guides or mods, none of us will change the game or forums alone and probably not even together. Who can change the situation of the forums? VR, and only VR.

Also, I think that when commenting openly way too many ppl are afraid to voice out, to not be seen as "negative" or "toxic" or anything, which Ive got a lot (including from a mod). Do u all say u disagree with me? Thats quite laughable. U say that my opinions are only my opinions? Thats really laughable. After all, the majority of u who disagreed with me, forum members, guides, mods and even VR, have PMed me through my comments and not to mention that the majority of u that did pm me, have come to see my points. So when commenting openly u hide behind sugarcoated words? Thats why it'll never get anywhere.

I'll always tell u that as blunt as possible. No, I dont intend to offend anyone (as ive said so far Ive liked VR's actions, just not the lack of communication), and I rather avoid getting into personal disagreements. But if u only want to see the positive by being narrow-sighted and blocking everything u disagree with by categorizing it as negative or toxic, what will that get u? Its not democracy if u only listen to what u want, its not democracy if u remove everything u consider negative (in ur *opinion*), if u censor everyone and moderate everything u dont like, its not democracy, its not making the forums any cleaner or better.
#NerfMages #AvoidBalance #WhyPlayARogue #MeatShieldOnly #HealingSlavesOnly

OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

Re: Why aren't people using the forums anymore?

What I see is there’s feedback in a positive tone and in a negative tone

The higher ups shall we call them only seem to listen to the positive ones and anyone who speaks negatively whilst having good points is just branded as toxic or being unnecessary. Which isn’t going to sort things out

If you don’t believe me, look at all of criminals good points that get picked at. Then look at the comments above me

U know I’ll probably get a comment deletion for this but it’s just my opinion which breaks no rules

Third party apps are going to kick the forums down. Once most of us leave it will just be the staff the mods, the guides and either new players or the few pro-mod/VR players
This proves a good point, Aileron who contributed heaps to the game he made so many valid points and had his bad tone, he expressed his statements in a toxic style because responses he was getting versus his statements were close to zero, and few years later look at the problems we're facing and he complained about those years ago.
As a person who disagreed a lot with Aileron, I still believe that being blunt and seemingly negative is just another necessary way to voice out. The idea is to have all forms of criticism and opinions, whether u like them or not. Some will sugarcoat it, some will tell u that in a more polite way, and some will simply be blunt about it. Aileron didnt comment differently than me, didnt comment less than me, didnt argue less, and could have been seen as one of the more "negative/toxic" players in this community. And despite some suggestions catering to his clan (but I believe we all have that bias at least to an extent), hes seen as one of the most contributing members on forums. And the guide rank didnt matter to him ofc.

If Aileron commented in the current state of forums, he'd have many posts deleted, moved or locked, and would be very likely to receive board warnings and even bans.
#NerfMages #AvoidBalance #WhyPlayARogue #MeatShieldOnly #HealingSlavesOnly

OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

Re: Why aren't people using the forums anymore?

I'm 100% okay with disagreements and negative criticisms of features in the game (@crim, more notably what the warriors role is within the game, which is something you've been vocal about). I even partook in those discussions, giving my 2 cents and kind of trying to understand the arguments "against" my views, since I don't have a warrior. I love long arguments, and I even remember mage ones I've been a part of.

But I draw the line when people start insulting each other when trying to create rebuttals.

Like, if you say "You're wrong about A, B and C because E, F and G", it's all good.

But if you say "You're an idiot for thinking A, B and C", regardless what you're actual point is, because people have begun insulting others, I'm going to step in. I'm sorry if this is seen as censorship, but I believe there's always a way to convey across an idea without stooping to offending others.
A mage at heart... Fire mage that is.
Currently actively playing the game.

Re: Why aren't people using the forums anymore?

Hmm, guess I can chime in now...

I been here for... a while... usually I don't talk, unless I have a reason to. I like the forum because theres alota people here, I don't like it because:

1. Its pretty boring, not much discussion

2. Its not as convenient as an app(the ingame forum you were teasing may help though)

3. Favoritism everywhere, ranks, and giveaways shouldn't be a thing. Trust me, it ruined era for alota people lol

4. The locking. Heres what happens... Little fury is wondering around, and someone says something completely wrong, or is bashing people for no reason. I respond in a fair way, to correct the issue, they get butthurt and say something stupid and blame me, thread gets locked. Little fury looks like a bad guy, because he had no chance to respond. Censoring stuff like that is several things, a wuss move(other words shoulda been used), censorship, etc etc. Just let the thread die on its own, its not that hard. Literally the only things that should be locked are advertising bots and bad images/topics. If someone starts a problem, its their problem, not the topics problem. Give them warnings and what not, don't let other people suffer because of one persons actions.
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Re: Why aren't people using the forums anymore?

Threads don't get deleted if it's just one person being toxic.

If that happens, their posts get deleted/edited and they receive a warning, and the thread progresses.

If majority of the thread is in shambles, it's getting locked.
A mage at heart... Fire mage that is.
Currently actively playing the game.

Re: Why aren't people using the forums anymore?

Threads don't get deleted......mmmmm
Where's my thread about "hair trigger bans" ?.........
No offensive language used, by any one who commented. They just deleted something they didn't like.
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Rose Ranger lvl 229, Druid 221, Mage 221

Re: Why aren't people using the forums anymore?

I think I've let this thread go on long enough. It's devolved into a discussion about previous moderator actions (against the rules) and fighting amongst each other (also against the rules).

I'll take this opportunity to remind everyone of our Forum Rules and Guidelines which explains exactly how to interact with each other and the development team on the forums.

Also, if you feel that you have been unfairly moderated by the volunteer moderators or our support team, then send me a private message.

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