Im not saying that its not the point of enemies on the way, but if u wanted to make it such a challenge that we'll fight mobs on the way (which i must say is interesting, i guess it'll somehow work like a dungeon fighting mobs on the way to the boss) then OTM shouldnt make a plat item to avoid that, maybe if it was obtainable only by the quest it would be fine.Invis pots was the plat option for players who can't find ranger friends to camo them, or a group to help them get to the boss.1. Getting to bosses without dying, challenge made by OTM? Well if so maybe inv pots should have been removed then.
OTM (admin) said this was the reason why the tunnels/hallways/path are narrow. It was in the beta forums iirc.
As for those taking on enemies without proper groups, I would just quote what admin said last year when they added the idol timer.
Clearly, the timer isn't enough as they probably watched and notice that people still treat death as a good thing and still zerg mobs by idoling over and over.part of the challenge is to create clans and groups that are balanced and able to take on difficult enemies. Really we would much rather potions and idols were not used during boss fights so players could face a genuine challenge, but since this isn't possible we have added timers that limit how many can be consumed in order to keep things from being trivial.
Like i said Swan, if dying and idoling is the best way to REGEN, then something is messed up not in idols, its messed up in the game mechaincs (low self-regen abilities, low~medium survivability abilities), so like it was OTM's solution to skip on improving the mechaincs by making idol, they're now doing just the same thing. I myself rather not die mid lvling, if a mob resets or i lose buff or just dont deal constant dps its a loss to me, and on mordy trolls i wanna see u lvling without a druid, ive done that once and i would never want to do it again (just soloing lvl 190 troll alone made me pot several times and i was on the berge of death).I posted this example in another thread about idols.I'm not joking when I say that dying and idoling is by far the best way to regen my health. I used this strategy from level 120 to 160, and I have saved a lot of restos this way.I keep a stack of deathcaps around when I'm leveling solo as a rogue, and I use them when I'm low on health.
This is because I have 4k health on a combo lix. When I am super low on health, suicide + idol is way cheaper than four restos, both money-wise and time-wise.
I believe this example highlights a larger problem where druids heals are replaced by plat items. Now, I'm not saying that nerfing idols will fix this. But I think it's a step in the right direction.
Also, I'm curious if anyone else has done "suicide leveling." I know it doesn't work too well for mages because of the long cool down on attune.
Now i dont lvl my warrior but i do lvl my mage and rogue, on both toons, when i want to maximize my DPS i lvl only and only with a druid, its not only cheap, if i can manage dealing enough DPS (like clearing rooms or areas of mobs) alone, having a druid to heal me that i can keep going and not dying in the middle only helps me DPS wise and i gain much more xp, mostly for mages with their attune.
Last thing i want others to notice maybe, and i dont think thats playing smart more than it is kill us to use more idols, the 4 new PERM bosses, these 4 have aoes that are pretty strong, but its not the dmg, its their speed. The new bosses recast their AoE very fast, and i dont really care for their high melee speed as that part is supposed to be handled by tank, but the aoes are not only strong and fast, they have a delay of when the dmg dealt is shown up (so ofc the druid wont instantly heal u).