So what you really want is for your tanks always being able to control aggro so the opposing clan cant reset the boss from you. On the other hand you don't want to fix resetting because then you can't mess with the other clan???It is not the fact that resetting is an issue it's the fact level 100s out taunt our tanks from the other clan.The ability to reset bosses is a critical programming flaw which OTM must address. It totally negates the whole purpose of boss lock which was introduced to settle the issue of who should get the bosses and to provide more balance to the game. Unless this resetting is an inherent technical issue that OTM cannot fix, OTM would be neglecting its responsibility as the game publisher to not fix this issue and ultimately, would be losing its customers when players leave due to frustration. Until this is fixed, top clans in Danu should come to their senses and work together to raid the bosses which will only benefit all. If the top clans continue to fight and no one clan can take down the bosses, everyone is losing out.
Also, we have tried to work things out and made a treaty but the other clan broke the treaty many times and made excuses such as 'that clanny cannot speak english' even though he clearly can. So we had to call the treaty off as it was 1 sided, We can handle bosses as we have amazing tanks, but can simply not boss when there is a major flaw in the system and level 100s can simply ruin our bossing experience.
The major issue here is that bosses can be reset not that the opposing clan can gain aggro.