Well you all act like little kids who won't stop hitting each other until someone is put into a time out.
Even if OTM will do something about the bash issue will it really change anything? No it won't. Cause let's face it, that is not the real problem here. That will not end the griefing that's getting worse and worse every week.
Is coming here in forum and saying all the dirty stuff each clan do will make a difference? No it won't. You guys are just showing to everyone how ugly our server is.
Sadly, we all lost respect to each other. And it's all because of lack of communication. Everytime our clans meet at a certain boss we mostly got carried away, do silly stuff and say disgusting words. Both clans need to calm down.
If you're tired of it, we are too. And approaching us is the best thing to do. We've done it before. Seph approached you first, all he wanted was for the server to be peaceful for once. But sadly it didn't work well. And both parties were at fault to that. We tried. So I guess it's your turn to make a proposal on how this awful griefing stop. Who knows maybe you have more effective solution to this. Pretty sure our clan will be willing to listen as long as it's sincere and fair. But if this is not one of your options, then there's nothing I can do.
Coming to forum will not always solve the problem. Sometimes you're just putting more flame to the tension that's already happening. Yes you want to ask OTM to fix something. But the intention of the post was lead to different direction cause of the unnecessary details. Actually to the real issue. And OTM can't do anything to fix it. The only people who can really make things right are your leaders and ours.