It would hurt the price, probably by at least 10%, wouldnt be suprised if it was 25%. Theres a huge difference between the only one of something, and two of something. And if one of those owners decides to sell it, and cant, and desperately trys to sell it for low, guess what? Your price falls too as an effect of that. Yes, you can fool people into thinking its worth the same by saying no sell, but you can only keep that charade on for so long before someone wants to cash out. And with people saying OHHHH BRING THIS BACK, BRING THAT BACK, itll probably happen again, and again... and again if you allow it. Thats why I tried to stop this stupid chase at legacy, but no one wanted to listen. Not my fault if you crash your own market, just remember that.I don’t think you know how the high end economy works lol. If there was one set of white lanrik on your world, and another was added in it would definitely not halve the value. The price wouldn’t change at all if anything. I once got an Aeon 100% stormskimmer and there was only one other skimmer on Belenus and she’s inactive but still logs every now and then. When I was trying to sell it people didn’t care about the other stormskimmer because A. She would never sell it and B. They most likely will never come across the opportunity to buy one in a very long time. I was getting 5m offers in gold and items lol
Even if there was 2, 3 or 5 sets... the value wouldn’t change at all. Same could be said about black lanrik which in my opinion is just as rare as white. Same thing with hunter or frostguard, there’s already so many sets on each world (not including android or Nuada) that adding in one more won’t be noticeable at all.
Re: Contest Prizing!
#51World - Lugh
Furyion - 192 Ice Mage
Stonelord - 100 PvP Warrior
Lavalord - 60 PvP Warrior
Keepin' it old school.
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Furyion - 192 Ice Mage
Stonelord - 100 PvP Warrior
Lavalord - 60 PvP Warrior
Keepin' it old school.
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