Hi, some statements are contradicted.
1. "Using skills on a boss is not a violation of the ToS." Does it mean using skill on player is violating ToS? So some skills are player based: nature touch, bandage wound, rescue, bark, calm. Are using these skills on player violated ToS?
If I tell you that eating cookies is ok, does it mean that eating ice cream is suddenly not ok?
Don't try to twist someone's words just because they didn't mention something.
Also, a drunken half-wit that got hit in the head with a pile of bricks would know the answer to that question. Obviously, using skills like nature's touch on players is not against the ToS. Otherwise, essentially every player would be banned.
2. "attempting to use exploits to disrupt your play that would be a violation. " i knew usig external tool or software for gaming is prohibitted. How about the glitches or "exploits" that players had reported thousand times, such as reset point at boss. So by dragging boss or mobs to this point is violating ToS? It sound like u have made traps for players?
It sounds like you have never tried to write code before. Glitches, bugs, or exploits are all mistakes made when programming. Some are easy to fix, while others are rather difficult to pinpoint within the code. For example, OTM located and repaired the invisible Quickthorn Dryad Charm glitch rather quickly, but the DL bosses' reset points have not yet been fixed.
"Making traps" implies that OTM intentionally worsen their code by purposely making mistakes. That makes absolutely no sense.
An artist does not intentionally screw up a painting. A writer does not intentionally add typos to the manuscript. And a programmer does not intentionally create bugs inside their code. Any large-scale program written by humans will have bugs and mistakes in it—guaranteed. It's only a matter of how severe the error is, and what effect it has on functionality.
Before bashing OTM's game for having glitches, try writing a significant amount of code (I estimate 10000+ lines for a game the size of CH), shipping it, and having no bugs on runtime.