Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Why do mobs drop so less gold at higher lvls?

^Lol everyone knows that.
Exactly. On my server we have only a few players who regularly farm carrow gold bosses - I could count them on one hand without using binary. Further none of them farm all 14. It's either the spider/scorps or another will do just the boggans. Crazy as it sounds I'm the only person i know of to farm the firbolg ones on a regular basis. Yet nearly every person above level 150 knows of them.
Member of Aeon - Taranis - 24 boxer
220+ toons
Ravenleaf druid - Silverstring ranger
Stormsong warrior - Nwerb Mage - Eventide Rogue

Toon histogram:
# of toons|_5__|___16___|____3___|__11__|__21_|407|

Re: Why do mobs drop so less gold at higher lvls?

^Lol everyone knows that.
Exactly. On my server we have only a few players who regularly farm carrow gold bosses - I could count them on one hand without using binary. Further none of them farm all 14. It's either the spider/scorps or another will do just the boggans. Crazy as it sounds I'm the only person i know of to farm the firbolg ones on a regular basis. Yet nearly every person above level 150 knows of them.
At my level it is a pain to kill bolg phs. it is a greater pain flying through the map. Therefore, spider, scorpions and boggans. People complaining that they are rare are the ones who never kill PHs.
I ride Kelpies and I swim in Deluge for I am one with Manannán mac Lir.

Re: Why do mobs drop so less gold at higher lvls?

^Lol everyone knows that.
Exactly. On my server we have only a few players who regularly farm carrow gold bosses - I could count them on one hand without using binary. Further none of them farm all 14. It's either the spider/scorps or another will do just the boggans. Crazy as it sounds I'm the only person i know of to farm the firbolg ones on a regular basis. Yet nearly every person above level 150 knows of them.
I dont check firbolgs cus the road pisses me off.
#NerfMages #AvoidBalance #WhyPlayARogue #MeatShieldOnly #HealingSlavesOnly

OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

Re: Why do mobs drop so less gold at higher lvls?

I kill phs all the time since they drop good most of the time, as for carrow gold boss in taranis the players are active so on every gold boss that ik there is someone there afk campin altho i could win in a lock battle with them it isnt worth it,ik there are other methods of makin gold but i dont see why a lvl 50 mob drops the same amount as a lvl 150 it makes no sence since otm likes to copy other games they should copy this too on all games ik the higher lvl u are the more gold dropped correct me if im wrong, the amount of gold increase isnt much 50g from a 4* lvl 50+, 100g from a 4+ lvl 100+,150g from a lvl 150+ and 200g from a lvl 200+ and decreasing by 10g by every star makes sence to me idk why there are so many opposing to this when it would benefit everyone


Re: Why do mobs drop so less gold at higher lvls?

I kill phs all the time since they drop good most of the time, as for carrow gold boss in taranis the players are active so on every gold boss that ik there is someone there afk campin altho i could win in a lock battle with them it isnt worth it,ik there are other methods of makin gold but i dont see why a lvl 50 mob drops the same amount as a lvl 150 it makes no sence since otm likes to copy other games they should copy this too on all games ik the higher lvl u are the more gold dropped correct me if im wrong, the amount of gold increase isnt much 50g from a 4* lvl 50+, 100g from a 4+ lvl 100+,150g from a lvl 150+ and 200g from a lvl 200+ and decreasing by 10g by every star makes sence to me idk why there are so many opposing to this when it would benefit everyone
I've camped the carrow gold bosses on Taranis for 2 years. It's rather uncommon, sometimes people will wait at a particular one but generally no one is even killing the ph 85% of the time. If you simply kill the easier spiders/scorp and wait for tho respawn i seriously doubt anyone will lock battle you.

If it's me i always try to join first unless they have already started - at which point i just move on. I'm happy to group people i dont need to try to out lock anyone as Taranis is a mostly peaceful world.
Member of Aeon - Taranis - 24 boxer
220+ toons
Ravenleaf druid - Silverstring ranger
Stormsong warrior - Nwerb Mage - Eventide Rogue

Toon histogram:
# of toons|_5__|___16___|____3___|__11__|__21_|407|

Re: Why do mobs drop so less gold at higher lvls?

I kill phs all the time since they drop good most of the time, as for carrow gold boss in taranis the players are active so on every gold boss that ik there is someone there afk campin altho i could win in a lock battle with them it isnt worth it,ik there are other methods of makin gold but i dont see why a lvl 50 mob drops the same amount as a lvl 150 it makes no sence since otm likes to copy other games they should copy this too on all games ik the higher lvl u are the more gold dropped correct me if im wrong, the amount of gold increase isnt much 50g from a 4* lvl 50+, 100g from a 4+ lvl 100+,150g from a lvl 150+ and 200g from a lvl 200+ and decreasing by 10g by every star makes sence to me idk why there are so many opposing to this when it would benefit everyone
Come to think of this: if I were to sell tons of sigils, pots, idols, and lixes, and there is a big demand, I would obviously sell it to the one who is offering me more gold. That means, I will be selling everything off to a higher level since it will be easier and faster for a higher level to farm. What does that leave for lower level players who cannot afford plat? If gold drop has to be increased, it should be increased according to stars so that everyone has an equal chance of farming. or maybe add gold bosses at every map.
I ride Kelpies and I swim in Deluge for I am one with Manannán mac Lir.

Re: Why do mobs drop so less gold at higher lvls?

I kill phs all the time since they drop good most of the time, as for carrow gold boss in taranis the players are active so on every gold boss that ik there is someone there afk campin altho i could win in a lock battle with them it isnt worth it,ik there are other methods of makin gold but i dont see why a lvl 50 mob drops the same amount as a lvl 150 it makes no sence since otm likes to copy other games they should copy this too on all games ik the higher lvl u are the more gold dropped correct me if im wrong, the amount of gold increase isnt much 50g from a 4* lvl 50+, 100g from a 4+ lvl 100+,150g from a lvl 150+ and 200g from a lvl 200+ and decreasing by 10g by every star makes sence to me idk why there are so many opposing to this when it would benefit everyone
Come to think of this: if I were to sell tons of sigils, pots, idols, and lixes, and there is a big demand, I would obviously sell it to the one who is offering me more gold. That means, I will be selling everything off to a higher level since it will be easier and faster for a higher level to farm. What does that leave for lower level players who cannot afford plat? If gold drop has to be increased, it should be increased according to stars so that everyone has an equal chance of farming. or maybe add gold bosses at every map.
Add more gold bosses and you get more camping. Needs to be an addition (even if it's just a bump) to standard mobs throught the game.

Re: Why do mobs drop so less gold at higher lvls?

And what gold bosses do drop same as stonefang. Which are much harder?
Killed stonefang earlier and woodcrown 6*. Both dropped 900g

Sure Woodcrown isn't exactly tough to take down but it is harder than stonefang.
They ain't gold bosses. Gold bosses are much easier than these two.
I ride Kelpies and I swim in Deluge for I am one with Manannán mac Lir.

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