That depends. If their are 8 Concordia members going against 4 randoms in no clan level does not matter. 4 on 8 will lose regardless unless it's a 4 star frozen then it's really all dependent on one person to be the fastest to lock. . And all dominant clans create frozen lockers at lvl 120-160ish.First of all, well done to the OP and his clan, clearly alot of effort has been put on getting those stuff, regardless of fhe server’s status, wether it a 1 clan server or multiple clans.
Now, I don’t really see why people are complaining, Conc of donn is only doing What almost any dominant clan would do. If people are upset that they are killing warden/metroic bosses then first, they said that they kill them because they have members that need them. Second the game mechanics are in favor of the lower lvls, a lvl 90-110 with the help of his friends should be able to easily lock falgren or copp. Same goes for frozen bosses. Unless Conc of Donn are creating lvl 90-140 lockers (that would actually be insane .__.) I don’t see any reason for people to get upset for
Re: Our awesome bank and conflux question
#61Brevity is the soul of wit so i will talk your ears off.