Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Comp servers

I wouldn’t call people winning drops fair and square and then selling for profit greed. It’s how the server works. If you don’t like in then simply don’t buy and wait for the next one to come around. Also seems like a pretty good deal to me to have a second chance at getting the drop you desire with gold if someone else wins it and decides to sell it.

Greed would be taking a drop and running with it because you want it and don’t want any others to have a chance at it, which is in fact a ban-able offense.

I wouldn’t call working your way into an endgame clan to earn your drops greed.

It goes both ways.
It’s not about the individuals inside, it’s about the idea as a whole. Creating a closed off clan that blocks any outsiders (or tries) from progressing for their own self interests
Zkills, Proud general of the beloved KodiakReavers of Belenus, the G.O.A.T clan

Professor/Detective Zkills, op mage of Epona, chieftain of KodiakReavers. Server banned for doing PvP in arena.

Can you do the impossible?
Celtic Heroes Ultimate Challenge

Re: Comp servers

I wouldn’t call people winning drops fair and square and then selling for profit greed. It’s how the server works. If you don’t like in then simply don’t buy and wait for the next one to come around. Also seems like a pretty good deal to me to have a second chance at getting the drop you desire with gold if someone else wins it and decides to sell it.

Greed would be taking a drop and running with it because you want it and don’t want any others to have a chance at it, which is in fact a ban-able offense.

I wouldn’t call working your way into an endgame clan to earn your drops greed.

It goes both ways.
It’s not about the individuals inside, it’s about the idea as a whole. Creating a closed off clan that blocks any outsiders (or tries) from progressing for their own self interests
Why are you mischaracterizing what we are?

The end game isn’t closed off unless you’re a scammer or your personality is so bad that no one wants to play with you.

Does saying that dom clans are closed off because we have some internal etiquette on how you earn drops make you think Epona’s system is more “free?”

It ain’t all about selflessness on Epona. Please stop mischaracterizing both Epona and dom clan servers to make it seem like there’s some intrinsically greater value.

It’s fairly manipulative.
Clan Relentless
Praetorian V - 220 Warrior
PocketHeals - 220 Druid
Lucerin - 221 Ranger
The Bazaar - Trader

Re: Comp servers


I wouldn’t call working your way into an endgame clan to earn your drops greed.

It goes both ways.
It’s not about the individuals inside, it’s about the idea as a whole. Creating a closed off clan that blocks any outsiders (or tries) from progressing for their own self interests
Why are you mischaracterizing what we are?

The end game isn’t closed off unless you’re a scammer or your personality is so bad that no one wants to play with you.

Does saying that dom clans are closed off because we have some internal etiquette on how you earn drops make you think Epona’s system is more “free?”

It ain’t all about selflessness on Epona. Please stop mischaracterizing both Epona and dom clan servers to make it seem like there’s some intrinsically greater value.
How is it mischaracterizing? I’ve been apart of both the dom clan and rival clan on belenus... I know how they both operate and I know the attitudes/mindsets of those in there and I also know it’s replicated in each server with slight differences. Now that I’m on a free server I’m able to look back at my past experiences with an unbiased view and am able to make judgements like that. I’m not talking about the systems in dom clans and how gear is distributed as I honestly don’t care, I’m talking about the idea of dominance in general and why, in my opinion, I think free servers work a lot better in a game like this than competitive/single dom clan servers. Epona didn’t rise in popularity by chance
Zkills, Proud general of the beloved KodiakReavers of Belenus, the G.O.A.T clan

Professor/Detective Zkills, op mage of Epona, chieftain of KodiakReavers. Server banned for doing PvP in arena.

Can you do the impossible?
Celtic Heroes Ultimate Challenge

Re: Comp servers

It’s not about the individuals inside, it’s about the idea as a wahole. Creating a closed off clan that blocks any outsiders (or tries) from progressing for their own self interests
Why are you mischaracterizing what we are?

The end game isn’t closed off unless you’re a scammer or your personality is so bad that no one wants to play with you.

Does saying that dom clans are closed off because we have some internal etiquette on how you earn drops make you think Epona’s system is more “free?”

It ain’t all about selflessness on Epona. Please stop mischaracterizing both Epona and dom clan servers to make it seem like there’s some intrinsically greater value.
How is it mischaracterizing? I’ve been apart of both the dom clan and rival clan on belenus... I know how they both operate and I know the attitudes/mindsets of those in there and I also know it’s replicated in each server with slight differences. Now that I’m on a free server I’m able to look back at my past experiences with an unbiased view and am able to make judgements like that. I’m not talking about the systems in dom clans and how gear is distributed as I honestly don’t care, I’m talking about the idea of dominance in general and why, in my opinion, I think free servers work a lot better in a game like this than competitive/single dom clan servers. Epona didn’t rise in popularity by chance
Saying you’re not biased is silly.

And Epona’s popularity is driven by an idea more than a practice.

Made yourself an outcast? Go to Epona.
Boss once a month, but want an opportunity at Godly drops? Go to Epona.
Want to sell the boss drops you earned? Go to Epona.

So recruitment across servers go well as the utopia is described. More people, more chests purchased, better plat item prices.

More active people on the server and loot doesn’t drop any faster on Epona compared to anywhere else. The saturation is pretty high, and the overall gear spread is sparse. The player churn seems pretty high so far.

I’m working my way up on Epona just to give it a whirl, but there’s quite a few detractors that are glaringly obvious. At least I’ve met some good people to offset it.

You have a very large forum presence. 2000+ posts. The rose-tinted glasses about Epona whenever the topic appears seems like a recruitment ad every time I’m lurking on the forums. Again, feels manipulative.
Clan Relentless
Praetorian V - 220 Warrior
PocketHeals - 220 Druid
Lucerin - 221 Ranger
The Bazaar - Trader

Re: Comp servers

1 clan is hardly a sample size to characterize all.

If I tried one apple and it was rotten, and then concluded all apples were rotten, that wouldn't be a fair characterization of apples would it?
Clans are even more so diverse, and taking one dominant clan to characterize all others is foolish at best.
Feel free to pm me about anything or talk to me in game :D
Bob The God
This Bob guy is a guide? Legitimately?
Former EG try hard who’s now relaxing midgame on crom.
Fire Mages are where its at

Re: Comp servers

1 clan is hardly a sample size to characterize all.

If I tried one apple and it was rotten, and then concluded all apples were rotten, that wouldn't be a fair characterization of apples would it?
Clans are even more so diverse, and taking one dominant clan to characterize all others is foolish at best.
And in the end everyone has the same mindset lol. Spending good amounts of time on the forums really shows it. Duh every clan is different in terms of systems, gear distributions, and personalities... but they all have the same common goals with the same mind sets
Zkills, Proud general of the beloved KodiakReavers of Belenus, the G.O.A.T clan

Professor/Detective Zkills, op mage of Epona, chieftain of KodiakReavers. Server banned for doing PvP in arena.

Can you do the impossible?
Celtic Heroes Ultimate Challenge

Re: Comp servers

1 clan is hardly a sample size to characterize all.

If I tried one apple and it was rotten, and then concluded all apples were rotten, that wouldn't be a fair characterization of apples would it?
Clans are even more so diverse, and taking one dominant clan to characterize all others is foolish at best.
And in the end everyone has the same mindset lol. Spending good amounts of time on the forums really shows it. Duh every clan is different in terms of systems, gear distributions, and personalities... but they all have the same common goals with the same mind sets

Clan Relentless
Praetorian V - 220 Warrior
PocketHeals - 220 Druid
Lucerin - 221 Ranger
The Bazaar - Trader

Re: Comp servers

1 clan is hardly a sample size to characterize all.

If I tried one apple and it was rotten, and then concluded all apples were rotten, that wouldn't be a fair characterization of apples would it?
Clans are even more so diverse, and taking one dominant clan to characterize all others is foolish at best.
And in the end everyone has the same mindset lol. Spending good amounts of time on the forums really shows it. Duh every clan is different in terms of systems, gear distributions, and personalities... but they all have the same common goals with the same mind sets
If you enter a group of people with the same mindset that they are identical to another group of people and never give them a chance, ya no duh that’s how they will come off. It’s called confirmation bias.

It’s soo easy to just see one post out of thousands and be like “BOOOM! I told you so!” It’s hard to actually try out different places and realize they aren’t all the same.
Feel free to pm me about anything or talk to me in game :D
Bob The God
This Bob guy is a guide? Legitimately?
Former EG try hard who’s now relaxing midgame on crom.
Fire Mages are where its at

Re: Comp servers

From my experience every server is about equal in terms of the attitude of the overall player base and their attitudes towards gear etc, there are some bad eggs but mainly good people, not saying that people go out of their way to help someone out but overall they don't scam/stash gear too much. It is a competitive game though, it was designed to be and all server set ups compete just as much as each other but in different ways so saying that either Gwyd or Epona is more greedy than the other doesn't really make sense.

Overall, it would be nice if there was something put in place to help people out who are stuck on servers where they can no longer progress as it would help ease the tension of dom clan situations, though I have no idea how it would work in practice. It's sad watching your toons go to waste and your friends leave (plus people can't be leaving behind all their hard won ponies and capes ^.^).
Eurydice 223 mage - Gwydion
Truffles 216 druid - Gwydion
Pizzazz 202 mage - Epona

Re: Comp servers

I’m not characterizing servers, i was talking about the idea behind dominance/competition and why I think they don’t suite a game like this as well as a free server would. People have their own tastes and I get that, but in my eyes I simply see free servers working out a lot better than dom/competitive servers and the recent rise in Epona transfers goes to show it. Again, I’m not bashing servers or clans so don’t take my words out of context and then create an argument out of it.

Refer to my first post on the previous page.
Zkills, Proud general of the beloved KodiakReavers of Belenus, the G.O.A.T clan

Professor/Detective Zkills, op mage of Epona, chieftain of KodiakReavers. Server banned for doing PvP in arena.

Can you do the impossible?
Celtic Heroes Ultimate Challenge

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