Thanks you redlisp,To put the post back on target I simply think that chilling grasp should be slighhtly longer ranged, he still shouldnt be able to shoot you across a kelpie pond but long enoughto get some of the ranged attackers. I have seen rangers, tanks, druids, and mages, and some extreme rogues solo bosses but I am fine as a level 105 rogue to bring friends to a boss. Bosses arent ment to be soloed unless they are place holders. I cant even solo enteron yet but thats ok, its part of the class and you can either have a whole lot of damage or a whole lot of health.
That was the whole point of my original post.
All I was making a point of was that rangers should also be frozen by the NEW bosses spells.
And what happens? We get a barrage of crap spewed all over the forum slating everyone who dares post a solution to this problem, yes PROBLEM!!!
Anyone who dares to make a suggestion about it is cut down as meddling in business that is not theirs, well you know what? It is our business. Even some sensible rangers know there is an issue.
Thanks again for putting the debate back on track.