Maybe (just a thought) yall could sticky this thread as the "ask Muldar/the staff" thread or something.
Good idea, might re create it though start a fresh
And is there anything otm is doing besides changing the design to keep lower levels playing?
Lot of game balancing in the next few updates, more horizontal content and a few surprises on the way
Some of the I cannot wait to reveal, seriously.
i actually wanted to friend you in game but i didnt think i could.
You can always friend request me
People seem to think making changes to mmo's is easy. The coding is easy because it is straight forward and linear although the code itself may be very complex. What is hard is understanding the consequences of any changes. Even the smallest change can throw off class balance or make certain encounters too hard or too easy. Too many people say OTM does not listen to us have no idea what the consequences of their requests may be. Mmo's can be ruined be what seems like a good idea at the time but it goes terribly wrong.
Really well put Langmuir
What would be great is, going off the charts, otm could reduce the xp needed to lvl by about 5% after 150, and just lower the xp needed by that. 5% would definitely do it, that's a TON of xp
Not sure what the numbers on the change are exactly, I saw the graph but wow am i glad i am not the one doing calculations and balancing on it.
Wall of numbers and charts.