you clearly have no idea about warrior dps. Rogue dominates unquestionably unless warriors have dg. Warrior now also need a gelebron shadow + axe to just compete (due to bt rings being axe only). DPS warriors that are actually strong are very exclusive now due to this so sorry, you are cluelessNobody in full dps mode could solo any eg bosses. But a warrior in tank mode with right gear could solo those bosses he said, with some dps gear too for some dmg, so kinda a split leaning on more vit... But a ranger with full vit? Id get destroyed by 180 5* lol, or might be able to barely take after a few attempts. Warrior full vit? Soloed first try. So if warriors are so bad, then what s the explanation for this? They have by far the best survivability of all classes and if you guys get more damage, then why shouldnt we get more armor? I wouldn't be opposed to an armor drop and damage boost, but might as well say you're a rogue then. But a damage boost with no Armor loss? Then you're an OP af rogue. And by the way, the thing about PvP. On my mage, at 167, with 5k health, 2k e shield, 900 skill shield, and shield offhand, and 50/50 fire bolt, in PvP build I got destroyed by a level 130 warrior with the level 100 lux shop cloak shield. They had a shield bash and full vit build. Once again, in my opinion, proving warriors to be far superior to all classes in duels, Cause their best possible build for duels, is better than any of the other classes best possible pvp build, (Not experienced in duels at end game only mid game for warriors, don't flame me cause pvp doesn't need lvl 215 to be done). And dps? Atm, from what I've seen, compared to my ranger, who constantly wins lock battles and gets kills, i usually lose locks to either a mage or warrior if a rogue aint there. So its obvious they do have good damage, maybe not quite on par with a rogue, but still. Like I said, they get by far the most armor, much more than any other class, and if you gave them similar dps to a ranger, mage, or rogue, then everyone is gonna start making warriors, Cause they'd be overpowered. And on the tank bit, nobody forces you to switch to tank... if u dont wanna be tank then speak up. As a ranger, im always asked to use bolas, but I'm firm about staying lix build till I'm 220 and its my toon so nobody can have a real problem with that.Warriors have it all after they use a alt book, rebirth book, and gear change (which is true of all classes). A warrior in full dps mode is not soloing bosses or pvping. A pvp warrior sacrifices some of their dmg for survival.So to shed a little bit of my experience of the game into this argument.
I can say that there should be no reason for a warriors offhand to be buffed. I agree that the skill should be changed, as giant swing is pretty obsolete.
Warriors have it all, the damage, the health, the pvp, the everything. I play against warriors in pvp and can safely say that at my best with a shield and full vit with skain set, I can still probably lose to a 190 warrior with the right build and gear.
DPS warrior is great damage too. I've seen many warriors get kill on things, I think the only reason that they don't get more is because most warriors fall into the stigma that they are meant to be tanks and they usually do not experiment with any damage build.
As Far as solo builds, I have experimented with many solo builds as well. I have killed up to a 195 5* solo (although it required a lot of prep and plat items) . But I can guarantee you a warrior would not have to use much more than an hp lix for that at all. Past that I have attempted every single edl 5* solo and have lost without contest. The fact that a warrior can solo up to an unox 5* is pretty broken.
There is also no way for any other class than rogue and warrior to solo these high end bosses:
Rangers can not offhand a shield and have viable DPS
Druids can not stay alive or take care of mobs without being interrupted by every little thing
and Mages just do not come with enough armor.
P.S. Warriors have shatter (aka broken skill in pvp and helps a shitton for solo bosses)
But there's nothing magical about a warrior in pvp. Any class can do great at pvp with the right gear and skills. Druids, mages, rogues, and rangers can solo 5* bosses also.
No one is asking for a warrior to be great at pvp, soloing bosses, and raid dps all at the same time.
By the way, im not saying the offhand doesnt need fixed before some warrior gets their feelings hurt. But it definitely should not do as much damage as rogue and rangers do.
Maybe a correct fix to the warrior problem, would be to fix bandage wounds to make it more viable. I dont think it should be light light heal, but I think it should be better than it is and actually usable. Ill admit warriors might have survivability issues staying close range at bosses, but so do rogues, and so do mages (depending on boss, most do) so really the only class that can survive easily at bosses is a ranger. That's our perk. But our downfall? Try leveling one, after leveling a rogue or mage lol. Or even a warrior. Without op gear, you wont get the same xp other classes do while lixing and dont try to argue with me on that cause ive leveled a ranger twice to end game, so i definitely know all about it. It's much more grindy than all other classes except druid. All classes have their downfalls, no class is perfect. If you wanna perfect the warrior class, then perfect them all. Give rogues more defence, rangers more damage, mages more armor, druids more damage, and warriors more damage i guess. It would be unfair to give warriors this boost but not the other classes those in my opinion. And i would feel cheated as a member of one of the other classes
Re: Questions Regarding New Warrior Offhand Axe