I have quite often hit around 3300-3500 on 3 and 4 star mobs when I lvl, I m a 176 warrior, so that's firbs, trolls, and the Fire wyrms in that little open area of the tunnel above snorri pit. My shatter is maxed at 35/35. I love the extra no energy skill hit and the 1k hp and regen is very nice as well.The max I've seen it hit was 2k on a 180 ranger, and that was with lures and shatter. Not so op to me.I'm not eg, but I just found 4000 pierce damage excessive and pretty overpowered.
Re: The new luxury
#91Thyra 204 rogue (Rosmerta)
Faolan Wariche 224 warrior (Arawn retired)
Faolan Wariche 224 warrior (Arawn retired)