His argument is a twist of my logic.Warriors fit into two general categories. A dps style / berserker type and a tank. Both are viable at eg. Not sure what the original poster meant by not intended to be dps. It’s actualy the opposite.Frenzy alone breaks the argument of "warriors arent intended to dps". But this isnt for this topic I guess. Just tried to check the dps offhand because otm claimed the t8 are enough to cover for 20 toons.
Literally ignoring half my point Chaotic, at least twist my words for the sake of petty arguments. Druids are half designed for hybrid (warrior dg - rupture giant swing, druid dg - ls and nt), with most the gear for support (buffs debuffs heals) and a small portion for dps (strike and storm almost nothing for vines, zero end game gear for swarm). While druids also dont have enough dps skills (swarm, vines, storm touch, lightning) and no dps buff (unlike poison wep, sharpen weps, steady aim, frenzy, ice and fire attunes)Druids have dps mainhands/offhands/neck/misc/braces/rings and dg adds lightning strike - dps. Your logic not mine.