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Bandage wounds
Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2019 8:37 pm
by Nfbowman024
I play a soloing warrior and have been looking for a cheaper alternative than burning restos for leveling. Sort of a free to play character. I have some sigils but cost a small fortune to actually put a dent in my 4k hp. I understand that it's not "the best skill" and that many of you will tell me to overlook it or buy sigils and use exlixers. I use a lvl 4 brown bunny which heals about 210 health currently and I always lix with a heroic health lix. I was wondering, can I make bandage wounds a viable skill in combination with my bunny? I'm not looking for a natures touch or anything, but between my bunny skill and bandage wounds, would it be possible to heal myself 1k health or more? What does a decent bandage wounds heals look like with an investment in points and abilities?
Re: Bandage wounds
Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2019 8:51 pm
by Furyion
Bandage wounds get a pretty meh return per point invested, though I don't have solid numbers for you because I never put it that high.
The only way for bandage wounds to be viable is hotswapping the bandage wounds mordy brace(or aggy ring), but people complained about it and got it removed from the loot table years ago because they didn't know how to use it.
Also, I should note, if you kill enemies faster you take less damage. Bandage wounds may not be the answer you are looking for.
Re: Bandage wounds
Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2019 8:58 pm
by Nfbowman024
Ah thank you for the information. It would be nice if it could get revamped to be a viable skill. Rangers have light heal, druids have natures touch (and basically everything), rogues have lifesteal, it would be nice if warriors and mages could have a somewhat decent free to play method of healing themselves.
Re: Bandage wounds
Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2019 9:01 pm
by Furyion
Ah thank you for the information. It would be nice if it could get revamped to be a viable skill. Rangers have light heal, druids have natures touch (and basically everything), rogues have lifesteal, it would be nice if warriors and mages could have a somewhat decent free to play method of healing themselves.
Mages have energy shield, which saves them health.
Warriors... bandage wounds is their best option as most of them use some vit, and it is a vit skill, but it's just not good enough to justify spending points on.
The best option would be to get nice gear and stack damage, you wouldn't need to heal as much then as you would be ending fights really quickly.
Re: Bandage wounds
Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2019 9:06 pm
by Nfbowman024
Yeah that makes sense. I really appreciate your replies and information. I guess warriors have protective stance and high armor which is nice. But it becomes a burden sitting idle on a lix to quickly Regen a little bit of health to fight again, especially with our high health 0.o that's a lot to Regen. I will look into other options. Thank you furyion! Oh and I love your YouTube channel, huge fan!
Re: Bandage wounds
Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2019 9:28 pm
by Xanadu
Yeah that makes sense. I really appreciate your replies and information. I guess warriors have protective stance and high armor which is nice. But it becomes a burden sitting idle on a lix to quickly Regen a little bit of health to fight again, especially with our high health 0.o that's a lot to Regen. I will look into other options. Thank you furyion! Oh and I love your YouTube channel, huge fan!
Between kills, if you are out of combat, health sigs would also kick in. It becomes a pricey investment, but as a caster, I love esigs.
Re: Bandage wounds
Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 5:43 pm
by Skerwald
In the long run health sigils may be a good investment though. Other than restos you can cook foods for bonuses or hp restore like restos but oftentimes simply dying and using an idol (or with the use of a deathcap mushroom) is a cheaper option than spamming restos. Other than that you can consider using other lixes/potions such as defense and armour lix or just a combo. My tank warrior got almost 1k heals with 45 points in bandage wounds with almost max first-aid ability.
Re: Bandage wounds
Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 6:40 pm
by Nfbowman024
In the long run health sigils may be a good investment though. Other than restos you can cook foods for bonuses or hp restore like restos but oftentimes simply dying and using an idol (or with the use of a deathcap mushroom) is a cheaper option than spamming restos. Other than that you can consider using other lixes/potions such as defense and armour lix or just a combo. My tank warrior got almost 1k heals with 45 points in bandage wounds with almost max first-aid ability.
Thank you! This is sort of what I was looking for. If you can get nearly 1k as a tank with Max ability. I figure I should at least be able to get 600-700 as a hybrid solo type. That should do great in combination with my bunny with hopefully somewhere between 1000-1500 depending on ability between the two skills.
Re: Bandage wounds
Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 12:20 am
by Wardon-CH
In the long run health sigils may be a good investment though. Other than restos you can cook foods for bonuses or hp restore like restos but oftentimes simply dying and using an idol (or with the use of a deathcap mushroom) is a cheaper option than spamming restos. Other than that you can consider using other lixes/potions such as defense and armour lix or just a combo. My tank warrior got almost 1k heals with 45 points in bandage wounds with almost max first-aid ability.
My tank got 970 heal with a 45 bandages and like 1k ability.
Re: Bandage wounds
Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 7:25 pm
by SamySamSamBoss2000
The "return" on mages e shield is actually unfathomable. It's 2:1 hp:ep on good day (with lost of foc and hight ability). much worse than bw. The only reason it works is because it gives a lot of hp at once (also you can cast it twice in one fight). With my mage 2 vit every lvl and close to max ability for lvl 100 I wanted to see what my bw looked like and it was around 250 at lvl 20. Taking less dmg os really the best option.
*When ever I see unfathomable now I know what people originally typed...Lol it's kind of funny someone put that auto replace on.