As one of the most enthusiastic about dino on my server, I've bullied my clan into doing dino more than once. Sometimes we can't get enough on so we wait for 20 minutes for nothing and sometimes we max out at over 30 and have to ask people to sit out. One major problem is that while we can count and limit our raid to thirty, we cannot keep the lower levels out. I've had to personally speak to clan leaders about keeping their members out, but this doesn't work on those without clans or those who ignore us. We also have tried to do dino properly, staying within this "player limited" idea, however, its discouraging that the only worlds to kill the boss are the ones completely disregarding the idea of the mechanics and just using numbers to kill it. The raid was built to be player limited. On one hand that idea has failed to work on worlds with mass players swarming it. On the other hand for those who do try to work with the mechanic, they suffer from those who refuse to leave the area decreasing their player limit even more. I am not saying the method of swarming isn't working because it clearly is. It just seemed this wasn't the idea behind the boss. Why are the ones trying to do it correctly the people who are going to be the only ones not able to kill it? Must we all give into disregarding the idea of the limit? Do we have to accept that because the boss is in lirs our raid may forever be dependent on if low levels are willing to stay out?
On a world like ours low levels aren't the only ones who can mess up this number either.
The Dino raid.
#1Trouble1213 - 226 Rogue
Sardarthien - 221 Warrior
Kopis - 190 Rogue
Frosting - 220 Druid
- General of Ascension (Danu)
Sardarthien - 221 Warrior
Kopis - 190 Rogue
Frosting - 220 Druid
- General of Ascension (Danu)