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Cheaper items

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:03 pm
by Shadowgun
I think items are over priced it is very hard to buy new armour and weapons and I think the prices should come down

Has anyone got advie on making money. 8-)

Re: Cheaper items

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 10:14 pm
by Stromos
I agree. It takes way too long to make the kind of gold you need to make purchases on high lvl gear. Some people can't afford to spend all there money on platinum to buy gold with. When we can afford it it's never enough to buy that kind of gold. Drop the prices of ALL gear and you will see more platinum sells

Re: Cheaper items

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 1:39 am
by deadeye
not sure if this will help but never buy gold with plat, its a waste buy pots/idools/elixers/ect. and sell to other players you will make way more off that, Another tip is if your like me i only buy plat every once in awhile, i make gold from non-stop grinding or lvl up and get in a boss group and sell the drops. if theese tips dont help you, ill leave you with my best money making tip of all.. kill fal or brut, get a dd and sell, theyll always be worth something. dds pretty much fund my pot abuse :lol:
hope this advise helps ya