Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Did the "patch" work?

I would say it did in regards to any device using a wireless/wired connection. However data still has the issue. That is improvement however.

I use Bluestacks to play Celtic Heroes. I do however have a phone too. When they shut down the servers to fix and it came back up, I got in instantly on both accounts in two different servers. I myself before this would experience ages of trying to log in before it does but it 100% didn't happen this time. I considered it fixed. I even changed my character midway through bloodthorn just fine.

The issue arise when I tried switching my toon to my phone on data. That's when the infinite loading happened and only when on data.

To me the issue is fixed, I hardly ever play on data. To others who rely on data, it would seem nothing changed.

So does anyone who plays with a wireless or wired connection still experience these issues or is it just data? Curious about this. It seems they partially fixed the issue.
Ashley A - Mabon - Novalis - 222 - Mage
Azona - Mabon - Novalis - 209 - Druid
0x15 - Mabon - Novalis - 216 - Rogue

Allymia - Epona - 220 - Rogue
Fire Mage - Epona - 220 - Mage

Aethinry Donn - Belenus - 221 - Warrior
Dakara - Belenus - 200 - Mage

Re: Did the "patch" work?

Every patch just seems to keep making it worse for me. The log in issue was better before they touched anything on my end.
Feel free to pm me about anything or talk to me in game :D
Bob The God
This Bob guy is a guide? Legitimately?
Former EG try hard who’s now relaxing midgame on crom.
Fire Mages are where its at

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